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A. Background Problem Development education is an integral part of national development. Because basically the process of education cannot be separated from the national development process itself. However development can also be Understood as a process of change which leads to a better state, in order to reach a state of social justice and progress in Various areas of public life. According to Mc Donald, "Motivation is the energy change within the person characterized by effective arousal and anticipatory goal reaction". Motivation is a personal energy in the which the mark with the onset of the reaction to be effective and achieve goals. 1

Motivation can be define as a strength - the strength of the complex, the urge - the urge, the need - the need, the statement - the statement tension

Oemar Hamalik, 2009 curriculum and learning New York: Literacy, p,


(tension states) or a mechanism - Mechanisms That other initiate and maintain activities - activities towards the achievement of Desired goals personal goals.2 Gletiman and Reber Stated That motivation is the internal state of either human or animal organism the which prompted him to do something, in this sense means the feeder power motivation (Energiner) to behave in purposeful. Indonesia is one of the developing countries and with lackluster implementation of development, good knowledge in the field of mental physical and spiritual. It can be seen from the bottom in national education goals set forth in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution, the national education system is: "To develop the human potential to Become a faithful and devoted student to God Almighty, bahaviour noble, healthy, knowledgeable , skilled, creative, and citizens of a democratic Become and Responsible ". Education will be Successful if teachers and students Interact with each other and need each other. Teachers should be aware of its function as a manager and instructor. Teachers Responsible in delivering aspects are the subject matter, students are expected to accept and master the knowledge, skills, and have the which properties are independent of what has been given the teacher. School is one of the container to create an educated human being regardless of cultural background, social and economic level of students involved in it. With the schools expected to be accepted by all parties interested in the institution. The entire process of education in school, learning is an activity most point. That means That the success of the achievement of educational

Ngalim Purwanro, psikologi Rosdakarya, 1990, hlm, 72





goals a lot depends on how the process experienced by students as Their students in learning, although many of Things That Affect the Success of student learning. Cleary But the success of students is a major part of Providing education and learning in schools. "Factors affecting the learning of many Kinds, but can be classified into two groups namely internal factors and external factors, internal factors are factors exist within the individual That That Is being studied, while external factors are factors exist outside the individual3 That". Based on the description on the background of the above problems, the authors wish to Investigate further on, "The Relationship Between Motivation With Student Learning Results in English Subjects at Bungo Regency Junior High School 7"

B.Problem Formulation

Based on the background of the issues in this study, the authors Propose the formulation of the problem as follows:

1. Motivation to learn how scores of students of English subjects? 2. What is the score results of student learning in English subjects? 3. Is there a significant effect Between students 'motivation to learn students' results? C. Limitations This study in order not to deviate from its original purpose, it is Necessary to issue restrictions on students' motivation to learn the

Slameto, Belajar dan Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2005. Hlm, 60

relationship of the subjects studied in class VIII student of English in Bungo Regency Junior 7 Piece of Land. This study, Researchers simply take the motivation to learn the which includes teachers and students, made up of student learning adviser, facilities and infrastructure, policy assessment, the school curriculum, the observer study, analysis of study results, test results to learn. The restrictions on the issue of motivation: persistence in learning, Tenacious Difficulties in learning, interest and keenness in learning, achievement in learning and independent learning.

D. The purpose of research This study aims to:

1. Want to know the score students' motivation. 2. Want to know the score of student learning outcomes. 3. Want to know if there is significant influence motivation to learn Between student of student learning outcomes in subject English.

E. Usability Research The usefulness of the expected right from this study are as follows:
1) For schools, got the idea That motivation affects learning

outcomes, it

can be used as a benchmark to determine the

quality of education

2) For teachers, the teachers in particular consideration of biological

subjects for consideration in knowing That condusif student learning outcomes in order to increase of its student learning outcomes.
3) For students, the idea That got the motivation to learn it would

affect the results of the study will attempt to meet all its needs
4) For the writer, as a requirement to Obtain a bachelor's degree

Strata One (S.1).

F. Theory framework 1. Motivation a. Conceptual Definition Motivation comes from the word "motive" is defined as an attempt to Encourage someone to do something. Motifs can be Considered as the driving force from within and in the subject to perform Certain activities in order to Achieve a goal4 Motivation is "the furtherance or a conscious effort to influence one's behavior so he moved to action to do something so as to Achieve a particular result or goal" "The motivation is different to the interest, motivation is the driving power or driving force to do any work That can come from within or from outside the self. Motivation comes from within (intrinsic) That is a boost comes from the heart. Generally, Because awareness of the importance of something, or That motivation comes from outside (extrinsic) That the

Sardiman AM, Interaksi dan Motivasi Belajar Mengajar. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo persad, 2008. Hlm, 73

Encouragement comes from outside the individual or from the outside (environment), example parents, teachers, friends, and members of the community

Motivation has three functions, namely: a. Encourage men to do so as a driver or motorcycle That releases energy. Motivation in this case is the driving force of each activity to be undertaken. b. Determine the direction of manufacture, ie, towards the goal to be Achieved. Thus Spake the motivation to Provide direction and activities That must be done within Their formulation of the goal. c. Selecting actions, the which determine the creation, making what should be done to match to Achieve the goal, by setting aside the deeds That are not useful for that purpose. Someone who will take an exam students Hoping to pass, it will do activities to learn and will not spend his time playing cards or reading comics, Because It does not match the goal. "Motivation is encouraged and led to interest in learning to Achieve a goal."5 Learned "a process of one's Efforts to acquire a new behavior changes as a whole, as a result of his own experience as an interaction with the environment".6

Learning is knowledge or skills gained from the instruction.

Martinis Yamin, Strategi pembelajaran Berbasisis Kompetensi, Jakarta: Gading Persada, 1995, hlm, 40 6 Slameto, Op.Cit hlm, 2

Motivation to learn the nature of internal and external who Encouragement to students are learning to Make changes in behavior.7

How many principles That are Important to know in learning, Among others: 1.Learning in its nature and behavior regarding human potential. 2.Learning needs and processes as well as the maturity of self students3. 3.Learning will be more stable and effective, when driven with the motivation, especially motivation of the (instrinsic Motivation), others only learn to fear or be accompanied by depression. 4. In many ways the Brazilians learned trial process (with the possibility of doing wrong), and conditioning or habituation. 5. Learning ability of a student should be taken into account to determine the content 6. Learning can be done three Airways: directly taught, control and direct experience, as well as the introduction or impersonation. 7. Development of students' experiences 8. Learning materials are meaningful and meaningless That. 9. Information on good behavior, knowledge, mistakes and successes of students much help smooth the learning. 10. Learning can be changed into the form of a variety of tasks, so That the children of his own experience. a. To gain knowledge It is characterized by the ability to think, the which have a Greater Tendency of his progress in learning activities.

Hamzah B.Uno, Teori Motivasi dan Pengukurannya. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2007, hlm, 23

b. Planting In general terms the purpose of learning is :

concepts and skills Planting concept requires a physical skill That Is That is a skill can be seen, observed, so the motion focuses on the skills or the appearance of someone Who is studying. And That spiritual nature is more abstract, involving issues as well as appreciation and creative thinking skills to solve a problem.

c. Attitude formation In Cultivating the mental attitude and personal behavior of students, teachers must be wise and Cautious in its approach. Some of the impetus for someone to learn it is as follows:

1. The existence of an inquisitive nature and want to explore the Wider World. 2. The existence of a creative nature exist in Humans That and the desire to're always ahead

3. The existence to get Sympathy from the parents, and friends 4. The desire to correct past failures with a new business 5. The desire to get a sense of security if the master class 6. The existence of rewards or punishments as the end of the study.

Many ways in the which teachers to arouse students' motivation as follows:

1) Motivation can be generated through the study of meaningfulness

2) Motivation can be raised through a modeling study

3) Motivation to learn can be generated through open communication 4) Motivation to learn DAPT generated through 5) Motivation to learn the exercises can be generated through novelty (new presentations) 6) Motivation to learn can be raised through the exercise or practice of an active and useful 7) The motivation can be generated through the learning exercises are Divided 8) Motivation can be generated through systematic coercion Reducedlearning 9) Motivation can be raised through a fun learning conditions

Some functions of motivation as follows:

1) To Encourage the emergence of behavior or actions. Without motivation will not Arise an example making learning 2) Motivation serves as a director, meaning That direct action to Achieve the Desired objectives 3) serves as the driving motivation, it means moving the person's behavior. Its small big motivation will determine the fast or slow a policy. Motivation is a complex situation and preparations in readiness for the individual to move towards a specific purpose either consciously or unconsciously.

Based on expert opinion, it means That the motivation is realized by the teachers' Efforts to create motifs on the self-Learners / students towards activities That support learning objectives.

b. Operational definition In terms of education, especially in teaching and learning activities, the motivation is Very Important to create conditions That lead students to learning activities. Activities of the teacher's role is Very Important to be Able to grow and for learning Provide motivation and teaching process is progressing well. Therefore, a teacher must understand the Airways of good, giving rise to the motivation to studenrs learn. Definition of the above definition, it can be said to be the desire or motivation to learners a strong incentive to the make changes in student behavior is accompanied by training and experience To measure students' motivation in the subjects of biology developed through the lattice Following:

Table 1: Lattice Student Motivation No 1 Variabel a. tivasi Of learning Dimensi Mo a.Enhance the learning Be on time Explain Do the assignment Indikator

b. attention teachers c.Encouraging


Give reward

Give rate d. give the task Give understanding Give motivation of learning

Prefer to work in groups to complete the task Responsible for on any given task

2.Result of English Language Learning

a. Conceptual Definition

"Learning is a change in behavior due to experience and practice, that goal is behavior modification activities, both related to knowledge, and attitudes skill".8

Syaiful Bahri Djamara. Strategi Belajar Mengajar, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, hlm, 10

"Learning is an individual process or activity in the form of interaction with the environment resulting in a learning experience". "The study is the result of an interaction acts and acts of teaching and learning". "result of learning is the ability of the capabilities of the student after he received the learning experience".

Is the overall learning outcomes measurement activities (collection of data and informants), processing,

Interpretation, And judgment to the make decisions about the level of learning goal should be Achieved by students have been learning activities in an effort to Achieve the learning objectives set. The results of learning is the process of giving or value to a particular object based on a Certain criteria.

Learning outcomes are statements That Might indicate what students do as a result of Their studies. Learning outcome is for students seems a to have been a part of every student's personality, so it will be Able to influence the outlook and the way he approaches a problem. Because of that knowledge in the biological and full of meaning for him. The results of studying the patterns of actions, values, understandings, attitudes, appreciation, ability, and skills.

Some understanding of learning outcomes can be explained above That the study is a result obtained activity student learning resulting from changes in behavior and in his usual state with numbers or letters Several of the theories on the results of the study authors conclude That someone is a result Achieved learning outcomes in accordance with the Desired and planned by students during the learning process at school.

b. Operational definitions of English Language Learning Outcomes

According to the general understanding of learning is a reciprocal relationship Between Learners and educators in educational Situations. Through a process of learning will be hope Learners have a Certain amount of knowledge and skills as well as changes in her. Changes as a result of learning can be demonstrated in Various forms Such as changes knowledge, skills, values and attitudes Abilities. Learning outcomes is a result obtained from the students' learning activities diving four times the meeting is then given a test (test day), the which requires the occurrence of Certain changes on students. Measurements made to determine student learning outcomes in this study are in the cognitive aspects, the indicator is based on the theory and design

1. Analysis of learning outcomes

Each learning activity will end with the results of learning. The learning of each student in the class gathered in a classroom set of learning

outcomes. Feed stocks learning outcomes embodied in the pages of answers to the questions test or exam, and who embodied the work or object. All of these learning outcomes is a valuable material for teachers and student. for teachers, students' class is useful for improvement of teaching and follow evaluation. For students, learning outcomes are useful to improve the Airways to learn more.

2. Test results to learn The test result is a tool for studying Such student.Althought frequency of use of Certain tests will lead a special habbit. The meaning is Certain types of tests will Establish the types of domains koqnitif, effective, and Certain psychomotor. As an illustration, an effective test capabilities Such as assessment of the attitude of the PMP can not be tested using objective tests of oral or entered correctly choose where teachers Consider carefully the kind of goodness and weaknesses of learning outcomes tests are used.

G. Hypothesis

Above problems, the writer can formulate hypotheses to be tested as follows:

Ha: There is the influence of motivation to study the relationship Between student learning outcomes in English eyes HO: There is no influence of the Relationship Between the motivation to study the learning outcomes of students in English subject.

H. Research Procedures

1. The research approach The approach in this study is a quantitative approach of this approach is performed to find the influence of two variables, the variables X (Relationship Between Motivation) while the variable Y (Learning Outcomes).

2.Ruang Scope of Research The scope of this study is the activity of the h Relationship Between the motivation to study the learning outcomes of students in English subject. The research was conducted in class VIII in the junior 7 Piece of Land.

I. Types and Sources of Data 1. Data Types a. Primary Data Primary Data was collected or the data obtained directly in the field by the person WHO conducted the study in question or the need These form the information or the data Explanations Concerning and directly related to the subject matter in this study. Data obtained from primary sources in the form of reality on the ground That was scored by Investigators of the individuals investigated. As the primary data sources are: the students, junior class VIII in Bungo District 7 Piece of Land.

b. Secondary Data The secondary of data in the study of:

1. Historical and geographical SMPN 7 Piece of Land 2. State the number of teachers and Student Organizations 3. The structure of SMP Organizations 7 4. Facilities and infrastructure SMPN 7 Piece of Land 5. Other Data That are related to research 2. Source of Data Dariman the data source is the subject of the data was obtained source of data used in this study consisted of: 1. People who are concerned with research a) Head of School b) the subjects of English Teachers c) Students and Ms. junior class VIII Bungo District 7 Piece of Land d) Staff TU Bungo District Junior 7 Piece of Land e) Documentation

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