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3 Written Questions

1. patient is lying on back with shoulders slightly elevated and legs flexed sharply over abdomen. used for passing a urterthral sound 2. lying on back, knees sharply flexed, arms at sides or across chest, buttocks at edge of tale, feet supported by stirrups (used for gyn exams)

blood pressure, more often for abdominal surgery. not used in office; not recommended for general use as this position causes blood to build up in the carotid arteries in the neck and causes blackouts. True False

3. Instruct patient about position. Assist patient into position. Help patient maintain position. Assist patient out of position. Assist with dressing & undressing if necessary. Protect patient's privacy by draping patient

3 Multiple Choice Questions

1. lying on back, eyes staring at ceiling. Most used for examination of abdomen 1. 2. 3. Dorsal recumbant Horizontal Recumbant (supine) Trendelenberg

4. Jack - knife 2. Patient sitting on table with head elevated about 90 degrees. exam & treatments of head, neck, & chest. sometimes referred to as a semi-fowler good for patients with breathing difficulties. 1. 2. 3. semi-fowler Trendelenberg Fowler

4. Jack - knife 3. like the fowler only head of table is at a 30 - 45 degree angle. 1. 2. 3. 4. Jack - knife semi-fowler Fowler Trendelenberg

2 True/False Questions
1. Dorsal recumbant lying on back, knees flexed, but flat on table. Relieves abdominal tension. Used for abdominal exam, pt. resting, and may occasionally be used for gyn exam if dorsal lithotomy is not available True False

2. Trendelenberg lying on back on a table with head lower thatn the legs; legs are lfexed over the end. used for shock, low

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