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My final report

This is my last report about what i thought about this year of ckv. I think ckv wasn't a really interesting subject. We had to do big assignments like an interview and a animation. And we went to witte de wit in Rotterdam to see some art there. What we saw there was some weird art. You had to understand the idea of the artist to understand that art piece itself. But in my eyes it wasn't really art it was just some text on walls, and just some lightening cubes in a lot of colors that were supposed to show pixels of a TV program. The only thing I liked were the sofa's you could sit on and the color pencils that drew in an other way when you sat on the sofa so it made a really big square that a lot of people made, only by sitting on the sofa. So the artist didn't really made that art he or she just created the idea. So that was the only interesting thing that I saw there in witte de wit. We had also to write 6 reports for havo and 8 reports for vwo. But I didn't liked that at all. It wasn't really clear about what we had to write about and how we had to do that. So I watched 3 movies and wrote about those movies a review. The 2 big assignments were like 3 reports so I made just 3 movie reports. My first movie report was about the movie atonement, the second movie report was about the movie the vow and the last movie report was about the movie the woman in black. So there were a lot of different genres. I liked watching those movies and writing about it because i think those movies were really interesting and awesome. So that was also a thing i liked about ckv. Another thing i liked was making the animation, but it took a long time making the movie but the results are really nice.What i didn't really liked was the presentation, but that was also because i don't really like standing in front of the class and telling something. But what i liked about the presentations was listening to the people and i really liked the interactive parts and also making the interactive parts was really nice to do. So in general i liked this year of ckv but

some things were nice to do and some weren't like every other subject has it positives and it's negatives.

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