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120405 Comparative Literature 2DW Discussion Migrant: possibly umbrella term; potentially temporary/seasonal; not necessarily negative connotation;

not necessarily political; element of choice o More of an economic aspect (?) Refugee: being rescued because of something over which you have no control; from persecution, escape, lack of choice; powerlessness; suggestion of mass people (on individual levels seem more like exile); disaster natural or political o Political questions will they be welcomed where they move to? o If the government werent somehow involved, would they still be refugees? o Stateless refugees: refugees with no identification with a nation-state o Under what conditions will the government accept these refugee populations? need for work force/labor o Connotation: seeking refuge/safety; escaping from danger o Asylum o Not an appropriate term to call oneself Exile: ousted because of ideology; heretic; individual scale/smaller groups; political on a more personal level; more high-profile term (i.e. political leaders and individual who are corrupting the groups); certain artists, writers, and intellectuals whose way of thinking may be posing a threat to others o Term is not used in international law more of a conceptual term o Suggestion of choice choice to leave on ones own o Difference of beliefs migr: person who leaves ones own country permanently o Citizenship void until re-naturalization o Have legal connotations/specifically legal Immigrant: person who enters a foreign country to settle permanently o Have legal connotations/specifically legal Stanger:

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