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THESIS PROPOSAL Name : Saidah Yunus

Fac/Jur : English Semester Nim : Six (VI) : TE.090405

Title : Application Discussion Methods to improving learning outcomes of student at Senior High School 5 Arang-arang Village Kumpeh Ulu Subdistrict Mu aro Jambi Regency.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background of the study Education is a fundamental aspect of life for the nation's development of a coun try. In the education in schools that involve teachers as educators and students as learners, embodies the interaction of teaching and learning or the learning process. In the context of this administration, teachers consciously plan teachi ng activities in a systematic and guided by a set of rules and plans of educatio n are packaged in the form of curriculum. Enhanced curriculum on an ongoing basis to improve utu-oriented education and ad vancement of the national education system, seems not to direalisaaikan to the f ullest. One of the problems faced in education in Indonesia is the weakness of t he learning process. Education plays an important role for people's lives. Especially for teachers an d students who run the education process. According to the Law of the Republic o f Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 in Article 1, paragraph 1 states that "Education i s the conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and th e learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for hi m to have the spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligen ce, noble character and the skills needed themselves, society, nation and state. Education is one area that is prioritized in national development, as it will ma ke dreams come true for the intellectual life of the nation. Various attempts ha ve been made by the government to meningkatkanmutu education, such as repair and improvement of infrastructure, organization of teachers, methods and curriculum improvement. Given the critical importance of education for life, then education must be impl emented as well as possible, so as to obtain the expected results. In the implem entation of education at the present time are required to follow perkembanagan t hat later age children can participate in a community environment and can apply the knowledge and skills that have been diperolahnya. Responsibility of educator s is the key to success in education, teaching and encouragement to the professi on will bias diiringin provide added value to the learning process. According to Nana Sudjana in his book the basics of teaching and learning proces s is a way of explaining the method of teaching used by teachers to make contact with the students on the course of teaching. Therefore, the role of teaching me thods as a tool to create the learning process. Learning is a process of change that occurs in a person through the strengthenin g resulting in permanent changes in him as a result of experience. Teaching is a complex and varied as the students, then there is no single way under on effect ive teaching for all things. Education is a conscious and deliberate effort to c reate an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are ac tively developing the potential for him to have a religious spiritual strength,

self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed themselves, society, nation and state. A lot of effort to do well against Labour Education or educational, as well as facilities and infrastructure. One effort can also be done through student-siswinya. The learning process is carried out by many educators now tend to the achievemen t of curriculum materials, more emphasis on concepts rather than on understandin g penhhafalan. It can be seen from the activities in the classroom learning acti vities which are always dominated by the teacher. In the presentation, usually t he teacher make use of lecture method, Diman students just sit, record and liste n to what disampaiknnya and fewer opportunities for students to ask questions. T hus, the atmosphere is not conducive to learning so that students become passive . Efforts to improve student achievement is inseparable from a variety of factors that influence it. In this case required a creative teacher can make learning mo re interesting and liked by the students. Classroom atmosphere needs to be plann ed and constructed in such a way denagan use appropriate learning models so that students can earn the opportunity to interact with each other so that in turn c an be obtained by studying the optimal performance. Today, education adalh modification of behavior is achieved through technologica l support. In real terms it appears that replacing the role of teachers teaching with modern sophisticated equipment. And students' role as a trainer to learn e verything with the help of technology. So is the ever-changing curriculum denaga n accordance with the times. English subjects is one of the subjects are very important language because lang uage is a social phenomenon that can not be separated from the existence of soci ety itself. Language is needed by the public as their fellow adhesive, as a comm unication tool in meeting the needs of life as well as cultural identity. Englis h as an international language, English is spoken with a very wide distribution range as the language of the world's information, science and technology, as wel l as the communication medium between nations. In the development of science and technology is full of communication in English, the empowerment of English. It is therefore no exaggeration to say that presumably in Indonesia's human resourc es is an ideal resource to equip themselves with skills in English. Everyone should learn English because it has been agreed internationally to comm unicate across borders. The problem is whether we can communicate in English. We know that the world is increasingly global, our foreign language skills increas ingly demanded, especially English. English learning needs the spirit and self d iscipline. Not the same as cooking the instant noodles and instant hope so. Or j ust like magic, a direct intense presto. Better to learn little by little on a regular basis, rather than a lot but at the same time. Teachers as educators always make a difference, so what can be taught to underst and the students. Many things are always done so that the learning process is ca rried out can make the students understand what is being taught. One of them is always updating strategies, methods, and models of learning. Variety of new meth ods is mostly done by the teacher to the class belajr vary so do not make the st udents bored with the learning that's it. In Act No. of teachers and lecturers. 14 In 2005 the dimensions of competency to be owned by the teachers' pedagogic competence, professional competence, person al competence and social competence. Referring to this, the teachers strive to m ake learning active, ninofatif, kretif, effective and fun. It was certainly done by the teacher to create the best learning for students siswinya. The learning process in the Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) requires the a ctive participation of all students. Thus, student-centered learning activities, the teacher as a motivator and facilitator in it for the class more lively atmo sphere. Sunardi states the cause of the low quality of education is the use of inappropr iate teaching methods, evaluation tools that are less good or less material give n in accordance with the level of student thinking. Efforts to improve the quali ty of English education has been conducted by several parties, especially the go vernment through the Ministry of Education. It can be seen by the improvement of

curriculum, improvement of learning systems, improvement of qualification of te achers, procurement of equipment and lessons. In order to improve teaching and learning English, has been widely applied appro ach, strategy, media and learning models that improve the quality of learning, o ne of which is the model. English language teaching methods can not use one meth od because of its own English language that is itself not as a science dinamis.B ahasa but as a skill so that the use of appropriate methods need to be done. Sea rch author in several articles either via the internet mapun local library has n ot been found for the results of research the best methods of teaching English. According to Slavin students who work in learning and responsible to his teammat es able to make them learn as well. In this case the application of cooperative learning carried out, based on the theory that students will more easily find an d understand the concepts that are difficult if they are able to discuss concept s with others. Students as a learning object has a variety of learning styles and needs a way d ifferent methods atua, therefore the teacher must set the right strategy in choo sing teaching methods. Ineffective methods of education will become an obstacle to the smooth process o f learning so much energy and time wasted. Therefore, the method adopted by a te acher would be efficient and, if capable of use in achieving the goals set. One attempt that was never abandoned by teachers is how to understand the positi on of the method as one of the components that take part the success of the lear ning activities. In the process of learning a method would be devastating to the student in understanding a lesson that teaches, because the method of students interested in paying attention in times when the teacher was explaining before. Many problems that occur in environments that require discussion by students of more than one course, which is mainly the issues that require cooperation and de liberation. If so deliberation or discussion of the road solution that gives the possibility to get the best settlement. Discussion method in teaching and learn ing process means the method of expression in the deliberation to reach a consen sus. Thus the core of the discussion is the sense of meeting of minds. Necessary to solve problems within a variety of answers. Of the response chosen one answe r is more logical and more precise and have a strong argument, which refused to answer mepunyai weak argument. It is in discussions to obtain the necessary disc ussion of the opinion that the meeting is supported by arguments, counter-argume nt argument. Based on the teaching methods and the above reasons the researchers wanted to fi nd out whether the application of the method of discussion can help teachers to improve student learning outcomes in subject English. Discussion of the scientific method is the conversation that contains an exchang e of views, ideas and the appearance of the testing conducted by the opinion of some people who are members of the group to seek the truth. Method of discussion is also intended to stimulate students to learn and think critically and issued an opinion in a rational and objective preformance solving a problem. One effort to improve learning outcomes, researchers will carry out the improvem ent of learning English through classroom action research. In addition to improv ing the learning, the implementation of improvements also aim to qualify for ear ned his undergraduate program (S1) English language education. Next time when researchers in other research site is in Senior High School 5 Mua ro Jambi, seen a few gaps when teachers teach are: (1). Teaching methods are les s precise. (2). The low material mastered by students. (3). Classroom environmen ts that are less supportive. (4). Usually students only record and are satisfied with jaaban listed on the board. Therefore, based on the above findings of rese archers interested in examining the application of the methods taught by a teach er in a classroom action research paper entitled: Application of Discussion Meth od to Improve Student Results In English Subject at Senior High School 5 Arang-A rang Village Kumpeh Ulu Subdistrict Muaro Jambi Regency.

Problem statement After observation and observation and through discussions with teachers can be s een that the factors which led to a lack of mastery learning materials are: 1. Explanation is less clear 2. Students' attention at a time when the lesson is still lacking 3. The method is applied to the student teacher is not impressed. Based on the above analysis, it can be formulated that focuses on improving the problem is as follows: 1. Why English teacher at Senior High School 5 Muaro Jambi rarely used method of discussion? 2. What is discussion method can improving learning achievement of student at Se nior High School 5 Arang-arang Village Kumpeh Ulu Subdistrict Muaro Jambi Regenc y? Limitations of the study In order to study the issue more clear and unambiguous because given the limitat ions of the author both in terms of ability, experience, energy, time, cost, and others. The authors limit the subject matter as follows: The existence of two variables in this study are: Method of Discussion a s Independent variables (variables that affect) is called a variable X and stude nt learning outcomes as the dependent variable (the variable that is affected) i s called a variable Y In this study, the study subjects were students of class X Senior High S chool 5 Muaro Jambi. Learning outcomes are set forth in this research student learning outcom es in English subjects after conducting focus group discussion.

Research Design The research design is as follows: X Description: X: Discussions Methods Y: The results of student learning E. Objectives and Benefit of the Research Objectives of the Research The purpose of the this research want to know what is aplication of discussion m ethod can be improving the result of learning of student at class X Senior High School 5 Arang-Arang Village Kumpeh Ulu Subdistrict Muaro Jambi Regency. Benefit of the Research The study is expected to be useful and beneficial both theoretically and practic ally: 2.1. In theory Y

Gives information on how to solve the existing problems in the process of learni ng English, especially how to improve student learning outcomes in learning. Can then be seen whether the method of learning through discussion can improve stud ent learning outcomes in the discussion of learning English. Whether students ar e interested in learning English. The results of this study can also increase kn owledge of basic education, especially on the subjects of English. 2.2. In Practical For students With the application of the method of discussion is expected to provide a pleasa nt atmosphere so that it can improve learning outcomes. For teachers The study is expected to provide an overview, add insight and experience in lear ning by using the method melakasanakan discussion. For schools Expected to be used as an input for the school to meninkatkan student learning o utcomes and this research can be used as a solution to the problems that arise i n the process of learning at Senior High School 5 Arang-Arang Village Kumpeh Ulu Subdistrict Muaro Jambi Regency. For Researchers As one of the requirements of obtaining a Bachelor degree (S1) majoring in Engli sh Faculty of Tarbiyah Institute for Islamic Studies Saifuddin Sultan Taha Jambi .

CHAPTER 2 FRAMEWORK THEORY The definition of English Lesson Subjects of English is one subject that is very important language because langu age is a social phenomenon that can not be separated from the existence of socie ty itself. Language is needed by the public as their fellow adhesive, as a commu nication tool in meeting the needs of life as well as cultural identity. English as an international language, English is spoken with a very wide distribution r ange as the language of the world's information, science and technology, as well as the communication medium between nations. Everyone should learn English because it has been agreed internationally to comm unicate across borders. The problem is whether we can communicate in English. We

know that the world is increasingly global, our foreign language skills increas ingly demanded, especially English. In the development of science and technology is full of communication in English , the empowerment of English. It is therefore no exaggeration to say that presum ably in Indonesia's human resources is an ideal resource to equip themselves wit h skills in English. B. Definition of Learning Learning is a process of change in individual behavior that occurs due to intera ction with the environment. This understanding emphasizes the individual interac tions with the environment. Learning is defined as behavior modification or confirmation by experience (Lear ning is defined as the modification or strengthening of behavior through experie ncing). Based on this understanding, learning is not an outcome or not is also a destination but a process or an activity. Learn not only the process of remembe ring or memorizing, but far from it, namely the process of experiencing somethin g. According to Syaiful Bahri and Aswan Djamarah Zain, learning is a process of beh avior change thanks to the experience and training. This means that the purpose of activities is changes in behavior, whether involving knowledge, skills and at titudes, even covering all aspects of the organism, or private. Learning is a complex process that produces a variety of different kinds of beha vior called "capacity". It acquired the capacity of: a. Stimulus from the environment, and b. Cognitive processes that do by learner. From definition of learning above, can conclude that learning is process of chan ge behaviour of someone that produce a variety kind of new behaviour included sk ill, knowledge, attitudes, experience etc. C. Learning outcomes Learning outcomes are the result of an interaction of action learning and teachi ng. According to Burton (1952) study results are patterns of actions, values, unders tandings, attitudes, appreciation, skills (abilities) and skills. According to Bloom, learn some vital lessons to group results in three areas (Do mains), known as Bloom's Taxonomy, the cognitive aspect (knowledge), affective a spect (attitude), Psychomotor Domains (skills). The results of studying the learning experiences of students obtained in the for m of certain abilities. Learning outcomes are relatively sedentary behavior change in a person as a resu lt of one's interaction with its environment. Learning outcomes are the result of interaction between the various factors that call themselves students both inside and outside didri a student. Extension of social factors are number of factors including the school environment. The results of study will look at any changes to those aspects of knowledge, und erstanding, habits, skills, appreciation, emotional, social relationships, physi cal, moral character (ethics), and others. Learning outcomes are the result of an act of learning and teaching acts. In ter ms of teachers, teaching concludes with an evaluation of the student learning ou tcomes, learning outcomes are the end pieces, and the top of the learning proces s. Mastery of learning outcomes is not an exercise but a change in behavior. Beh avior change as a process called learning. As a result of learning, the changes that occur in the one place on an ongoing basis is not static. One change that occurs will cause the following changes and will be useful for studying processes of life or the next. Learning outcomes are changes in behavior that is always growing and focused to get something better than before. The more ushaha dilkukan learning, the better

the changes obtained. The results of studying the changes in aspects of cognitive, affective, and psyc homotor, which is obtained by students through the learning process. The results of studying the cognitive aspects that include knowledge, comprehension, applic ation, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. So the learning process is said to h ave achieved complete if the remaining indicators. Understanding of learning outcomes that have been proposed by the experts above can be synthesized that learning outcomes are changing. Therefore one who is doi ng the learning activities and obtain a change dlam himself by gaining new exper iences, then the individual is said to have learned. Behavior that changes occur in the study have characteristics: Changes occur consciously. Changes in the functional study. Changes are positive and active. Not change while. Aims and directional changes. Covers all aspects of behavior. From definition learning outcomes above, can be conclude that learning outcomes is the result of learning involving aspect cognitive, afective, and psychomotor and this result is an interaction of action learning and teaching. D. Teaching Methods 1. Understanding of teaching methods In all learning activities, teaching methods play a very important and is a majo r supporter success or failure of a teacher in teaching. Method is the means use d to achieve goals effectively and efficiently. The method of teaching is the way - the way the process rather than a teaching p rocess, or something about how technical learning materials provided to students - students in schools. Method of learning is the way that teachers use to convey a lesson to the studen t. Because the delivery took place in educational interaction, then the method c an be interpeted as a way of learning that is used by teachers to make contact w ith students during the course of teaching. Thus, the learning method is a tool for creating teaching and learning process. From the definition above can be conclude that method is a way used by the teach er to present the lesson material to sisswa a certain way to achieve the goal of teaching. 2. Understanding Methods Discussion Method of discussion is the interaction between students with a student or teach er to student, describe out the problem, explore a particular topic or issue. Discussion method is a method of teaching where the teacher member of a problem or problems to the students and the students were given the opportunity together to solve the problem denagn friends. Discussion is a scientific conversation by some people who join groups to exchan ge ideas about an issue or work together to find solutions to get the answers an d the truth of the matter. Discussion method is a way of presenting learning materials in which the teacher provides an opportunity for students (student groups) to hold a scientific deba te in order to collect opinions, make conclusions or the preparation of various alternative solutions to a problem. Discussion technique is one of the teaching and learning techniques doing by a t eacher at the school. In this discussion there is interaction between two or mor e individuals involved, mutual exchange of experience, information, suss out the problem, it can happen all too active no passive as a listener only. Discussions are teaching strategies (intruksional) involving students to share i deas on a common topic. The method is similar to the working group discussions and cooperative learning because it emphasizes the student interaction.

Acording Department of Education, the discussion method is defined as a means o f mastery of course content through wahanw exchange opinions based on knowledge and experience gained in order to suss out the problem. Discussion method of tea ching is seen as one of the most effective method for small groups, especially l earning a complex skill such as critical thinking, problem solving, personal com ments, learning discussion method can carry out exchange of ideas, facts, and op inions among students, thereby making the atmosphere of learning to be dynamic. Discussion is to provide an alternative answer to solve the various problems of life. With a record of material that will be discussed in depth must be controll ed. Discussion methods in use Where It's Match: The material presented is in a low-l evel kesempatanya. For the development of attitudes or goals that are effective teaching. For purposes that are sistensis analysis, and a high level of understa nding. Discussion method is a very effective tool if it involved only a few participant s. Kang & Song (1984) defines as a group discussion or meeting between two people o r more who memabahas particular topic in the spotlight together. Discussion is a method of learning how to manage the presentation of the materia l through problem solving, or the analysis of technology products to solve the s ystem is very open. A discussion of the active support of students assessed when the discussion involves all members of the discussion and results in a problemsolving. Some understanding of the above discussion it can be concluded that the method i s a method of teaching used by teachers to improve student learning outcomes by giving opportunities to students to get together or in groups issued an opinion, experience or knowledge owned by each student to in suss out the problem given by the teacher in order to obtain a decision or outcome to be together. If this method is well managed, the enthusiasm of students to engage in this fo rum is very high. The procedure is as follows: there should be a discussion lead er, the topics to be discussed must be clear and engaging, participants can rece ive and give, and the atmosphere of discussion without pressure. Necessary to solve problems within a variety of answers. Of the response chosen one answer is more logical and more precise and have a strong argument, which re fused to answer mepunyai weak argument. It is in discussions to obtain the neces sary discussion of the opinion that the meeting is supported by arguments, count er-argument argument. Discussion is good if doing that discuss about : a. The things that interest and attention of students / urgent. Students will ha ve a strong motivation to solve the problem, if they are interested and paying a ttention to the problem. b. Problems that must contain a lot of possible answers, each answer dam can be guaranteed accurate. c. Should stimulate consideration, the ability to think logically and to compare business. a. Principles of discussion Principles of discussion is the following : Involve students actively in the discussion is held. Required order and regularity in rotating megemungkakan opinion led by a chairman or moderator. Discussed the issue with the development and abilities of children. The teacher tried to encourage students who are less active to make or i ssue his opinion. Students are accustomed to respect other people's opinions in favor of o r against the opinion. b. The Steps in discussion The Steps You Need On The Implementation Discussion:

a. The selection of topics will be discussed. b. In the form of discussion groups, and c. The students had discussions in their respective groups. As with other methods, the method also has a discussion of the virtues. Merits t hat, among other things: a. Condition in class is life, for the students directing his thoughts to the i ssues being discussed. Partisifasi students in this method is better. b. The students to practice critical to consider the opinion of his friends, the n take a stand, accept, reject or do not think at all. c. Can raise the achievement of individual personality such as tolerance, democr atic attitude, critical attitude, systematic thinking and so on. d. Useful for everyday life, especially in a democracy. e. An exercise to meet the rules and regulations applicable in the deliberations . Besides the good things that have been raised above method does not escape the d iscussion of the weaknesses, such as: Discussions are generally controlled by a student who likes to talk. For students who do not actively participate there is a tendency to esca pe from responsibility. A lot of time in use, but the results are sometimes not as expected. Difficult to be used at low levels in primary school, but not impossible . Ways to overcome the weaknesses of the discussion method there are several ways that can be pursued to overcome the disadvantages of methods of discussion inclu de: In using the method of discussion note the following requirements: a. The extent of student b.Dificultyof level that requires a serious solution to be led by the teacher. c. If the discussion leader should be given to pupils is set in rotation. d.Teachers should not rely entirely on student-led discussion, need guidance and control. e. Teachers seek all students participating in the discussion part . f. Arranged so that students get a turn to speak and the other students learn to be patient to listen to his opinion. In this method the student is expected to be active in the discussion whether it is asked, answered, and aims to increase student confidence, cooperation with o thers, students can solve problems that didiskusi it, and others. c. The task Teacher In discussion The task Teacher In discussion as follows: a. Can act as a leader in the discussion. b. Pursue discussions nets to prevent the dialog or just questions and answers b etween teacher and student or between two students only. c. As a moderator who can megamankan, refusing or expressing an opinion and sugg estions to the participants. From definition above, can be conclude that discussion method is one of the meth od of teaching learning which this method give priority to cooperative between o ne tstudent to another or student to teacher. This method also good to discuss a bout a particular or issue. E. Hypothesis Hypothesis is a temporary answer toward the problem statement where such problem statement has been stated in interrogative sentence.

The hypothesis of this research is stated as follow: Ha: Discussion method can improving learning outcomes of student at Senior High School 5 Arang-arang Village Kumpeh Ulu Subdistrict Muaro Jambi Regency. Ho: Discussion method cant improving learning outcomes of student at Senior High School 5 Arang-arang Village Kumpeh Ulu Subdistrict Muaro Jambi Regency Ro > rt (roberservasi > ttabel) Ha acceptable

G. Types of research The approach that is going to be used in this research is Quantitative Approach. This research is aimed to find the influence between the two variables, relativ ely, independent and dependent variable. The one which is as independent variabl e is Using Podcasts and the other is Students Learning Outcomes in Speaking

CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH PROCEDURES A. Approach of Research The approach to be used is the approach which the authors would like to know kua lititatif improved student learning outcomes in English subjects by using the me thod of discussion in class X High School District 5 Arang-arang Village Kumpeh Ulu Subdistrict Muaro Jambi Regency. As created by Spradley who said that qualitative research methods is the kind of research that relies on the understanding and interpretation of symptoms or soc ial phenomena. There are some characteristic in qualitative research, as it is said creswel the main character in qualitative research are: first, tracing its development in d etail the problem and focus on one particular phenomenon. Second, the literature or theory and rules used to formulate the problem in the backrest. Third, in fo rmulating the problem and research questions as well as the achievement of resea rch in general, determined by direct experience of researchers participating in

a social situation in a preliminary study "grand tour" to the research conducted "mini tour". Fourth, data collection started from a simple choice of words or s pecific to a broader or more general. Fifth, data analysis is described and the themes presented in the analysis are interpreted to be meaningful. Sixth, writin g research reports, both related to the structure and various forms of data pres entation is very flexible and determined by the reflection of the subjectivity o f the researcher. B. Setting and Subyek of Research 1. Setting of Research a. Research Place Research Place in Senior High School 5 Muaro Jamnbi Regency at t he first grade student as many thirty students that location Suak Kandis street Arang-arang Village Kumpeh Ulu Subdistrict Muaro Jambi Regency. b. Research Time This research is done at second semester in academic year 2011/2012 at class X2 Senior High School 5 Arang-arang Village Kumpeh Ulu Subdistrict Muaro Jambi Rege ncy. 2. Research Subject This Subject researh is the student at class X2 Senior High School 5 Arang-arang Village Kumpeh Ulu Subdistrict Muaro Jambi Regency amount to thirty student. Sources of Data Primary data Primary data is the research data obtained directly from genuine sources (not th rough an intermediary). Primary data is data that is collected or obtained directly from respondents dur ing the fieldwork, data obtained in the form of information or particulars conce rning and directly related to the problems above. Secondary Data Secondary data is the source of research data obtained by investigators indirect ly through its medium (obtained and recorded by others). Such data are: History and geography MAN Model of Jambi City The organizational structure The situation of teachers, students, and administrative staff Curriculum Facilities and infrastructure

Population and Sample Population The population is composed of the generalization that the object or subject that has certain qualities and characteristics are determined by the researchers to learn and then drawn the conclusion. The population in this study were all students of class X numbered 90 people. Samples Sample is a portion of that population. The population in this study does not ta ke a whole, the sample in this study is the class X2 of Senior High School 5 Mua ro Jambi Regeency. To determine the sample is done by tests of normality and hom ogeneity test. Samples may be taken if a state subject in the population completely homogeneous . So that the samples taken are representative of means to represent the actual population. The sampling technique in this study using random cluster sampling t

echnique. Where sampling in this study did not directly but in a class all stude nts group or cluster. The author will take two classes in the class X2 of Senio r High School 5 Muaro Jambi Regeency experiment of class as a class and one clas s of control again as a class. Research instrument Observation Observation is a complex process, a process which is composed of a variety of bi ological and psychological processes. Two of the most important are the processe s of observation and memory. In this study the authors make observations directly to students of Senior High School 5 Muaro Jambi Regeency. Documentation The documentation is intended to obtain data directly from the research, includi ng relevant books, regulations, reports on activities, photographs, documentary films, and data relevant to the study. Interview The interview is a way of collecting data used to obtain information directly fr om the source. Interviews in this study are used to complete the acquisition of data is a histo ry of the school, the state teachers, students and so state. This interview was conducted by asking the informant directly related to the problems that the auth ors raise. Test The test is a set of stimuli given to a person whose intention to get a response that can be used as the basis for settler score points. The Tests used in this study is in the form of multiple-choice test of 20 questi ons. Before the tests were conducted to sample it first tested the validity and reliability of the matter and considering the level of difficulty and the differ ent questions, the test used is written in the form of objective tests. to see whether the test is good or not, so the test must meet the requirements a s follows: Validity Test Validity is a state that describes the level of the relevant instrument capable of measuring what will be measured. For that matter in assessing the validity of research using point biserial correlation formula as follows: rpbi = (Mp-Mt)/SDt (p/q) Description: rpbi = point biserial correlation index numbers Mp = mean (arithmetic mean value) scores achieved by the test participants (testee) the correct answer, which is being sought correlations with overall tes t. Mt = total mean score, which was achieved by all participants of the test (testee). SDt = total standard deviation (standard deviation of total score) p = proportion of test takers who answered the question very well against the grain that is being sought kolerasinya the overall test. q = proportion of test takers who answered one of the items being sought about t he correlation with the overall test. Reliability tests The formula that the writer uses is the Kuder Richardson formula (KR-20) as fol

lows: r11 = (n/(n-1))((st^2- pq)/(st^2 )) Where: R11 = the reliability of the instrument n = Number of items question 1 = constant Numbers ST2 = total variance. P = proportion of test items answered correct item in question Q = proportion of jawabanny one testee Level of difficulty About the good is a matter that is not too easy or too difficult. Difficulty ind ex is a number that indicates a difficult and easy questions. Difficulty index formula P = B/JS Where: P = index of difficulty B = Banyaknyua students who answer questions correctly JS = The number of tests Classification: Problem with P = 0.00 to 0.30 is a difficult problem Problem with P = 0.30 to 0.70 is about average (not too hard) Problem with P = 0.70 to 1.00 is a matter of simple Distinguishing features. Distinguishing features is the ability of a matter to distinguish between studen ts who are good (high capacity) with the stupid students (low-capacity). By the formula: D = BA/JA - Bn/Jn = PA - PB Where: D = The number of tests JA = A lot of the group participants Jn = Many of the group participants BA = A lot of the group participants who answered the question correctly Bn = A lot of the groups of participants who answered the question with one PA = proportion of the group participants who answered correctly PB = the proportion of participants who answered the wrong group The D = D = D = D = different classifications: 0.00 to 0.20 is ugly 0.20 to 0.40 is sufficient 0.40 to 0.70 is good 0.70 to 1.00 is good Data Analysis Data processing is the main activity carried out by a researcher. Away, because the results do not exist without preceded by data processing. Data analysis is i ntended to perform the testing of hypotheses and answer the problem formulation has been proposed. But before further data analysis of the first test for normal ity and homogeneity test. Test for normality Purpose test for normality is to look at the sample is normally distributed or n ot. Testing the normality of the data is by using the formula Liliefirs, accordi ng Sudjana (2001:95) with the following steps: Score the results obtained and the study of data compiled from the small est to the largest. Calculate the average of each class of samples Calculate the standard deviation of each group of samples Looking for raw scores from raw scores using the formula: Zi = (Xi-X)/S By using the standard normal distribution lists, odds are calculated by the formula:

F(Zi) = P (Z < Zi) By using the proportion of Z1, Z2, Z3, ........., Zn is less than or equ al to Zi is expressed by: S(Zi) = (Banyak Z1,Z2,,Zn yang Zi)/n S(Zi) = (F (Zi))/n Compute the difference F (Zi) - S (Zi), then determined the absolute pri ce. Take the largest of the absolute difference in price, the price is calle d L0's largest Comparing L0 (L count) at a price that is critical to the table L with 9 5% confidence level, the test criteria are: If LO <Ltabel then the data are normally distributed If LO> Ltabel then the data are not normally distributed. Test of homogeneity Homogeneity test is performed to see whether the two groups of samples have homo geneous variance or not. Test of homogeneity of the authors use the Bartlet test by using a table f. Step calculation: Enter the numbers statistic to test the homogeneity of the Bartlet test table Calculate the variance using the formula: S2 = ((n1 . S1)+ (n2 .s2)+ (n3.s3)+ )/(n1+n2=n3) Calculating log s2 Calculating the value of B = (log s2 (ni-1)) Calculating the value of x_hitung^2= (log 10 [B- (db) log s_1^2 ] Compare x_hitung^2 with the value of x_tabel^2 and degrees of freedom (d b) = k-1, with the testing criteria as follows: if x_hitung^2 x_tabel^2, is not homogeneous if x_hitung^2 x_tabel^2, the homogeneous Testing the hypothesis In addition to learning the results of the test data obtained through th e tests that have previously been tested reliability, validity and data analysis was then performed using the t test for small samples of each other is irreleva nt. The data used were the t test with the following conditions: The samples came from populations distributed Both classes have a homogeneous variance The formula to find t or t0 to modern day small sample (N less than 30) are as f ollows: T0 = (M1-M2)/ SE_(M1-M2) Description of the formula: T0 = The degree of difference in the two samples kelomok M1 = Mean group 1 in the variable X M2 = Mean group 2 on the variable Y SEM1-M2 = Standard Error Mean difference in two samples Measures to be implemented: Finding the Mean for Variables I M1 = M + i^((( FX^' ))/N) Looking Mean for variable II M2 = M + i^((( FY^' ))/N) Finding the Standard Deviation Variables I SD1 = (i&(F X^'2)/N- [(FX')/N]^2 )

Finding the Standard Deviation variable II SD2 = (i&(F YX^'2)/N- [(FY')/N]^2 ) Variable Mean Standard Error Finding I: SEM1 = (SD_2)/(N-1) Finding Standard Error Variable Mean Difference Variables I and II by th e formula: SEM2 = (SD_2)/(N-1) Finding Standard Error Variable Mean Difference Variables I and II by th e formula: SEM1-M2 = (SE_(M_(1^2 ) )+SE_(M_(2^2 ) ) ) Looking t0, with the formula: T0 = (M1-M2)/(SE_(M1-M2) ) Interpretation If t0 TTable rejected the null hypothesis means between the two variable s are significant pervedan. If t0 TTable accepted the hypothesis of zero means the two variables ar e not significant pervedaan. After data analysis using the t test, further analysis of the influence of Phi c orrelation for a large sample of one another are not interconnected, with the st eps: a. First formulate its Ha and Ho. b. Determine the range (R) R = H - L + 1 c. Determine many classes d. Determine the length of class interval i = R / K e. Create a frequency distribution table f. Determine the average or mean (M) M = M + i (( FX^' )/N) g. Determine the median (MDN) Mdn = 1 + [(1/2 N-fk_b)/f_i ] . i h. Seek mode (Mo) Mo = 1 + [f_a/(f_a+ f_b )]+ . i i. Make a correlation table Phi (Phi correlation coeffisien) j. Finding the value of Phi correlation with the formula: = ((ad-bc))/((a+b)(a+c)(b+d)(c+d)) k. interpret If the null hypothesis is rejected means that there are significant effe cts implementation of the use of podcasts for student learning outcomes If the null hypothesis is accepted then it means there is no significant effect of application of the use of podcasts terhadapa student learning outcome s.

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