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1) How do you handle stress? give me situation when you worked in pressure. and how did you got over it? 2) Are you a team player? can you work independently? give me an example of a situation as team player? and what have you contributed? 3) what difficulties you have faced a tester? give me a situation how you dealt it? 4) how do you prioritize your work? 5) are you a multitasker? give me an example your work related as a tester? 6) how do you handle the conflicting situation at the work place? give me an situation? 7) what is the greatest bug you have ever found? 8) what do you do if the developer rejects the bug? what do you do? 9) what kind of people you like to work with? 10) what dont you like about your coworkers? give me an example? 11) where would you like to be in 3-4 years of time. your career aspiration? 12) what is your organization culture? 13) what motivates you at the workplace? 14)Describe what you have done in your career that shows your initiative/proactive. Give me a situation 15)Give me a specific example of a time when you used good judgment and logic in solving a problem 16)Tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to get a job done 17)Give me an example of a time when something you tried to accomplish and failed

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