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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION A. BACKGROUND National education goals is the improvement of quality man who is faithful and righteous to God the Almighty, as Contained in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003, ie as follows: "The National Education functions to develop skills and form the character and civilization of the nation's dignity in the context of the intellectual life of the nation, aimed at developing the potential of students to be the man who is faithful and righteous to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of the demonstration and was "(Anonymous, 2006:76)". Education is an important thing in making a knowledgeable man, cultured, pious and able to face future challenges. With education will also give birth to intelligent students and have the competence and skill to in developed societies for in the midst of realizing such a case can not be separated from the deciding factor in the success of learners in education. One main factor is the ability of teachers using the method in the learning process. 1 responsible

Education is very prioritized field scale in national development, as it will make dreams come true for the intellectual life of the nation. Various attempts have been made by the government to improve the quality of education, such as repair and improvement of infrastructure, organization of teachers, methods and curriculum improvement.

According to Nana Sudjana in his book Fundamentals of teaching and learning process is a way of explaining the method of teaching used by teachers to make contact with students during the course of teaching. (Nana Sudjana, 2009:76), therefore the role of teaching methods as a means of creating teaching and learning process.

Study conducted by the teacher is less true now and not in accordance with the characteristics of students so that the effect on student learning outcomes. As an example in learning English, students are given only material that is only according to the book alone without the participation of students to try the activity in Everyday life.

In the process of learning in the Mts N Gutters lily, teachers use the lecture method, giving the task, and asked answer. Guru teaching refers to the level of the education curriculum, use materials appropriate to the subject matter and media that support the learning process with the learning. be expected , students can take an active and indicators that are expected in the SBC can be achieved.

During the learning process takes place, second grade students follow the lesson well, but students are not responding to the material provided by teachers the students learn subject matter in school only and not repeated when at home, students also do not understand the concept of learning so that students' responses when tested again The ambiguous. moreover students are less willing to engage in the learning process, for example, does not answer

the questions asked of teachers during the learning process take place. problems disrupt the learning process and students seem passive and less willing to think critically and creatively in the learning process or in response to a problem in simple English.

Based on observations conducted found many problems that interfere with the learning process that students do not do the work / homework, students are less active during the learning process of speaking, students in and out during the learning process, and students are less enthusiastic about teaching and students seized during the learning process and even some students do not understand the material taught by the teacher.

Problems selected for study were less active students to speak when the matter was partly learning found the second graders NITS N Talang Bakung less active during the learning process of speaking. Indicator problem is students do not want to answer questions from teachers, students do not want to ask of the material that has not been understood, and when given the opportunity to ask questions, and students do not pay attention to the teacher's explanations during the learning process. serta less active in speaking students, and students often do not complete the task / exercise has it can lesson while the teacher attempts to use the method here discussion of the learning process in the field of English language study for students in the learning process taught by the teacher.

Second grade students in the MTS group N Talang Bakung lilies for instance, after studying English for 1 year have not been able to also use English to communicate even in a simple form. Even more tragically, recently incurred a tendency for students to hate learning English because they assume that English lessons a tedious and daunting.

Related to teaching methods, and the above reasons the author would like to know the flueince of active learning methods Discussion Of Speaking in the field of English studies at MTS N Talang Bakung is with learning in the classroom for active learning acquired ) Speaking students in a particular subject matter.

Method of discussion is the interaction between the student and the student or students with teachers to analyze, solve problems, explore or debate particular topic or issue.

In the discussion that requires logical proof, which is inseparable from the facts, and not an answer to the allegations or just try it then on the students' scientific thinking skills are required, for which it depends on the maturity, experience and knowledge of students.

Learning activity consists of the word creativity and word learning. "Liveliness has an active basic word which means active in learning or trying" (Ratmi, 2004). Learning activity means a business or work done by the method studies. With active in this discussion the teacher expects the

students actively in the learning process.

Learn Learning is a process, and activity is a fundamental element in any organization of its type in the levels of education, so the failure or success in achieving educational goals that depend on the learning process experienced by students both while he was at school and in the neighborhood.

Learning is the key term (key terms) the most important in education can be said that without learning there was never really educational.

According to Morgan (1986) study can be defined as any change in behavior that is relatively fixed and occur as a result of training or experience.

According to Raber (1988) learning is a Relatively permanent change in the which potentiality response Occurs as a result of reinforced practice.

Based on this idea would need to do research on :" The influence of discussion method of speaking students to learn activity field study in english Mts N Talang Bakung"

B. THEOLOGICAL PROBLEM Based on the background of the above problems can be formulated a problem:

1. How to influence the discussion on active learning methods of students in the field of English studies in MTS N Talang Bakung ? 2. Is there any discussion of methods to influence students' learning activeness in the field of English studies in MTS N Talang Bakung?

C. LIMITATION OF THE PROBLEM The author limits the study only focused on the effect of the active method of discussion Against Student in Field of Study English Language Students in grade If MTS N Talang Bakung?

D. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND USABILITY RESEARCH 1. Researchers objectives: The purpose of research in the scientific work is the target to be achieved through a series of research activities, because everything would have sought a specific purpose in accordance with the problem.

In accordance with these perceptions and rests on a formulation of the problem already mentioned, this study has the objective:

To find out if by applying the method of meaningful discussion, active learning of students in the Mts N Gutters lily can be improved.

The results of this study is expected to be beneficial to all parties concerned primarily for the following parties:


Usability Researcher:


For Teachers As a means to take the initiative in order to improve teaching and learning program so that the teacher as an educator in the school and students as those who need to be educated can share their opinions and to train students to dare to express opinions and active in learning, and

work well together, so that the achievement increased and student learning will always be used as a material consideration that teachers can apply the method discussions as an effort to increase student learning activity.


For Instance As an input in making the right policy and provide / add facilities and infrastructure in order to provide the passion in teaching and learning in order to improve the quality and student achievement, while enhancing the quality of education.


For students, the research activity is expected to increase student learning in the classroom


For Researchers As the material practice of writing scientific papers, as well as knowledge input to find out additional information about the effect of discussion on active learning methods of students in the field of English studies in MTS N Talang Bakung.

E. THEORY FRAMEWORK 1. Methods of teaching Understanding methods of teaching in all learning activities, teaching methods play a very important and is a major supporter success or failure of a teacher in teaching.

Method is the means used to achieve goals effectively and efficiently.1 The opinions of the above can be understood that the method is a in ways that teachers use to present the teaching materials to students in a particular way to achieve the goal of teaching.


Discussion method The following definitions are presented by experts on the methods of Methods derived from the Greek "Methodos" which means way or road taken. In connection with the scientific effort, the method involves a problem to be able to understand the workings of the target object of science is concerned. Function method as a means to achieve Knowledge .goals about teaching methods is in need by teachers, for students studying the success or failure depends on whether or not the appropriate teaching methods used by guru.2

1 2

Martinis Yamin dan Maisah, 2009 : 148 Oemar Hamalik: 2001

The follolving definitions are presented by experts on the method of discussion one of them by Martinis Yamin:

Method of discussion is the interaction between the student and the student or students with teachers to analyze, solve problems, explore or debate particular topic or issue.3

Discussion According to the method defrnitioni Hamdani:

Method of discussion is the interaction between students and students with teachers to analyze, solve problems, give opinions and to think critically with particular topics or issues in the learning process.4

Discussion method is used by teachers, coaches, and instructors when:5

a. b.

Provide materials, topics, or issues to be discussed, Mention the main points or issues to be discussed to give special study to the students before holding discussions,

c. d. e.

Assign students to define, analyze, and summarize, Guide the discussion, not lecturing, Be wary of groups that appear to be different and the confusion or uncertainty,


Train students to appreciate other people's opinions.

3 4

Martinis Yamin , strategi pembelajaran berbasis korr:petensi: jakarta,2003,h1m 69-70 4 Hamdani, Srategi belajor mengajar:8andung, pustaka Setia,2012,h1m 159 5 Ibid, hlm.159

This discussion method is used when appropriate;

a. b. c. d. e

Students are in middle or late stage phase Proses learning, Formal lessons or internships, Expansion of knowledge that has been mastered the student, Learn to identify and solve problems and make decisions, Familiarize students are dealing with a variety of approaches, interpretations, and personality,

f. g.

Facing problems in groups, Familiarize students to argue and think rationally.

Following discussion has limitations;

a. b.

Time-consuming bit and totals students Hams, have that students sufficient background about the topic or issue under discussion,


The method used is not appropriate noodles in the early stages of new learning when students are introduced to new learning materials


For students who are not apathetic terhasa talk in the forums.

Discussion The method according to Darwyn Shah, discussion is a responsive conversation is woven by matis problem questions and directed to obtain the solution of the problem. While the discussion method is a way of presenting learning materials in which the teacher provides an opportunity for the students (groups of students to the scientific debate in order to collect opinions, make conclusions or develop various alternative solutions to a discussion problem metode described in the Qur'an when it happens As the dialogue between ibrahim and King Nabruj in Surat al-Baqarah verse 258.6

Sar Darwyan Syah, Perencanaan Sistem Pengajoran Pendidikan Agama Islam: Jakarta, 2007,him 141

The Positive Method Discussion

1. Encourage participation and creativity of students to contribute ideas to the issue being discussed. 2. Attitudes develop Teloransi, Democratic, Critical Thinking systematically and respect others' opinions. 3. To familiarize students consulted in making a decision for the common good. 4. Students learn to obey the rules and regulations applicable in the discussion. 5. expand horizon supervision and student thinking. The Negative Method Discussion

1. Not all students have the opportunity to participate to contribute ideas to the issues being discussed, because of time constraints. 2. Deviation of the discussion and debate that are not necessary and takes a long time. 3. Discussion of the results difficult to predict Discussion techniques by Rostiyah NK is one of the teaching and learning techniques performed by a teacher at the school.7 In the discussion of this process of interaction between two or more individuals involved, mutual exchange of experience, information, solve problems, can occur also none of them are active as passive listeners.

Rostiyah NK Strategi belajar mengajar,Rineka Cipta, jakarta,2007



Definition learning According to Syaiful Bahri and Aswan Zain Djamara learning is the process of behavior change thanks to the experience and training. That is, the purpose of activity is the activity behavior change, both concerning the knowledge, skills, and attitudes, covering aspects of the organism or even personal.8 .

Meanwhile, according to Abdul Haris Asep Jihad and protest activities and learning is a fundamental element in the administration and the type of education, this means the successful achievement of educational goals is highly dependent on the success of student learning in the school and surrounding environment .9

Meanwhile, according to Abdillah cited by Aunurrahman learning is a conscious effort made by individuals in changing behavior hhdnkdfbaik through training and experience related to aspects of cognitive, effective and psychomotor for a specific purpose .10

From the definition above can be concluded that learning is a process toward behavioral changes, including changes in activities, change in attitude, changes in knowledge and understanding change.

In this case that the learning does not mean by other is the interaction between the individual and the environment. Therefore the learning process is a reaction to the situation around the individual, education is an important actor of learning interaction in the learning process.

8 9

Syaiful Bahri Djamara dkk 2006: him 10 Asep Jihad dan Abdul Haris 2008: him 2 10 Aunurrahman 2010 : him 35



Understanding Learning activity

Learning activity consists of the word creativity and word learning. "Liveliness has an active basic word which means active in learning or trying" . Learning activity means a business or work done by active learning.

The characteristics of the active learning There are four characteristics of student learning activity that is:

1) The desire and the courage to show feelings, 2) The desire and the courage and the opportunity to excel in both the preparation activities, and continuing learning process, 3) Form a variety of business and creativity in teaching and learning through and complete the learning activities to achieve success, 4) Freedom and do so without any pressure on teachers or others.

Factors that Affect Learning activity Regarding the factors that contribute to learning outcomes,11 states that there are five things that affect the activity of learning, namely: 1) stimulus learning, 2) attention and motivation, 3) a learned response, 4) reinforcement, 5) the use and transfer (I Wayan Gde Wiradana, S.Pd)


Ratmi, Ni Wayan,lmplementasi metode demonstrasi dan beberapa media belajar untuk meningkatkan kenktifan dun hasil belajar: Jakarta,2005


F. HYPOTHESIS Hypothesis is a temporary answer to the formula research, where the formulation of research problems have been expressed in the form of a question sentence. Said to be temporary because new answers given are based on relevant theory, speckle- fact based on facts obtained through the collection of empirical data. So the hypothesis can also be expressed in response to the formulation having second theoretical research, empirical answer to the speckle data.12 Formulate the research hypothesis is that research using qualitative research approaches kuantitatif.for no hypothesis was formulated, but it is expected to match the hypothesis. The next hypothesis to be tested by studies using quantitative approaches.13


Sugiono. 2009.Metode Penelitian Pendidikan (pendekatan kuantitatif, kualitatif, dan R&D) . Bandung : CV.Alfabeta him 96. 13 Ibid. 96



A. Scope of Research The research was conducted in the State junior secondary school Talang Bakung South Jambi city jambi District, held in May 2012 to complete.

B. Research variables In this study the authors tested the effect of active learning methods Discussion Of the students in the field of English studies in N Talang Bakung Mts.

C. Setting an subject of study. 1. Research setting a. place of study Research site is in the State junior secondary school students Talang Bakung class il located on JI. Eka Jaya Village Gutters lily.


research time The research was conducted in the second semester of the school year 2011/2012 in the State junior secondary school class II Gutters Bakung South Jambi District, this study consisted of three cycles with cycle steps include planning, implementation,

observation, and reflection.


research subjects The subject of this study were junior secondary school students in grade II State Talang Bakung South Jambi District, amounting to 30 students.


D. Types and Sources of Data. 1. Data Types. The data used in this study is to describe the data and the lack of success success researchers, while the data the researchers there are two types of data is data that is quantitative and qualitative,Quantitative data obtained from studying basil or cycle test results. While qualitative data is data that describes the process of the activities of students and teachers in the classroom learning .


Data Sources. Action research dalarn data source class is junior secondary school students in grade Il State Talang Bakung , result observation and tests students' after being given action.

E. Data collection techniques. In conducting the data collection, researchers supported by the classroom teacher. using the collected research data with techniques, observation, interviews, documentation and testing. For more details on outlined as follows. 1. Observation, observation of activities (data collection) to take pictures of how far the effects of the action was mancapai target .14 This technique is used to used the data about the activities of students and teachers in the learning and implementation of demonstration methods.


Interview, according to Sugiyono "interviews are used as data collection techniques if researchers want to conduct a preliminary study to find a problem that must be studied, but also if researchers want to know the things of the respondents are more profound.15

14 15

Documentation, a record of past events. The document may take the form

Kunandar, 2008: 186 Sugiono. 2009 .Metode Penelitian Pendidikan (pendekatan kuantitatif, kualitatrf, dan R&D) Bandung : CV.Alfabeta him 194


of writing, pictures, or monumental works and someone .16 Techniques used to obtain basil noodles learning cycles as well as historical and preschool geography. 4. Test, the number of questions submitted in person or several people to express a state or level of development of one or more aspects of psychology in him . Techniques used to obtain noodle basil on student learning.17

16 17

Ibid. 329 Kunandar, 2008: 186


F. Data analysis techniques.

Data analysis was largely a process of ordering the data, organize it into a pola.kategori, and unit descriptions outlining basis for descriptions or data obtained before data can be understood not by the person collecting the data, but jga by others.

Data collected at each observation of the implementation cycle activity in desriptif diaanalisis to see trends in learning activities. Quantitative data were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics to infer more fundamental to the average value or a percentage observations. after the quantitative data with qualitative data consulted and each analysis is represented by a moment of reflection on action research cycle. The model used by researchers are: education process of selecting, determining, focus, summarize and simplify changing the shape of the raw data contained in field notes.

2. Explanation, ready to be revealed after the data is reduced, meaning that the analysis phase to the explanation of data.

3. Inferences, the increase or the changes made in stages starting from the tentative conclusion, drawn at the end of cycle

The formulation of the data analysis techniques used in the study: Data Analysis of student activity, were analyzed using analysis presented,the calculated data on the observation sheet and presented.


Percentage of active = totals of students

x 100%

Total number of students

To see the increased activity of students from a meeting to meeting to the next meeting required standards of research.

By Research:

80-100% = active once 70-79% = Active 60-69% = active enough 20-59% = less active 0-19% = Not Active

While the observation of the activity of the teacher is assigned a value as follows: 1 = not good 2 = fairly good 3 = Good 4 = Excellent Analysis of the results of learning Learn the results obtained from each cycle were analyzed by calculating the percentage of individual learning and classical exhaustiveness expressed by Asep Jihad and Abdul Haris) 2008:66) .

Score B x 100 N Description: B = number of grains of the correct answer. N = A lot of items about


The average value of the test results per cycle assessment process. X = x h

Description: X h = The average value n = Number of students


The sum of all the students



Martinis Yamin dan Maisah, 2009 Oemar Hamalik,Proses Belajar Mengajar, Jakarta: Bumi Aksara,2005 Martinis Yamin , strategi pembelajaran berbasis kompetensi: jakarta,2003 Hamdani, Srategi belajar mengajar:Bandung, pustaka Setia,2012 Sar Darwyan Syah, Perencanaan Sistem Pengqjaran Pendidikan Agama Islam: Jakarta, 2007 Rostiyah NK, Strategi belajar mengajar,Rineka Cipta, jakarta,2007 Syaiful Bahri Djamara dkk 2006 Asep Jihad clan Abdul Haris:Jakarta, 2008 Ratmi, Ni Wayan,lmplementasi metode demonstrasi dan beberapa media belajar untuk meningkatkan keaktifan dan hasil belajar: Jakarta,2005 Wardhani,IGAK.& Wihardit,Kuswaya. 2008. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Jakarta Universitas Terbuka.S


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