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Long bones are wide and are found in your tibia(shin bone), femur(thigh bone), humerus, and radius.

Second, the short bones. These bones are fairly equal-sized in width and length, similar to a cube, and are mostly found in your carpals and tarsals. Third, we have flat bones. These are thinner bones that can be either flat or curved and are platelike in nature. Examples of flat bones are the scapula(shoulder blade), ribs, parts of pelvic girdle, and bones of the skull. Irregular bones are like the parts of a jigsaw puzzle. These are the odd-shaped bones needed to connect to other bones. The ossicles of the ear and vertebrae that make up our spine are examples of irregular bones. Fifth class is the sesamoid that resembles a small nodule, embedded in a tendon. Patella is an example of sesamoid. The last class would the suture. It is found between the flat bones. An example would be the skull. Read more:

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