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Professional Etiquette 101

Mitzi Richards Senior Director of Development K-State Engineering

First Impressions
It is true it is much easier to make a good first impression than to correct a bad one.. Rule of Twelve
The first twelve inches from the shoulders up The first twelve steps a person takes The first twelve words a person speaks

Greetings & Meetings

In todays workplace, gender is removed from all etiquette Whoever reaches the door first, opens it and holds it for others. Both men and women rise to meet and greet someone, especially when a handshake is involved. It is not expected for a male business companion to seat a female associate. Whoever extends an invitation to a meal pays for the meal

Body Language
Your body language often reveals more about your than verbal communication. Be conscience of it, because it is always being observed. Good posture displays confidence Dont slouch stand and sit upright Dont fidget it is annoying and a sign of boredom Keep hands away from your mouth when speaking Honor others personal space Break nervous habits, such as: gum chewing, drumming fingers, hair twirling, nail biting, etc. Dont show the soles of your shoes while sitting, especially in the company of individuals from other countries

Dress Code
For the occasion guests, location, event When in doubt - opt for overdressing Casual appropriate jeans, shorts, etc. Business Casual open collar, slacks, skirt Business Professional jacket, tie, ladies suit or dress Semi Formal Suit for men, cocktail dress for women Formal Suit or tuxedo for men, formal dress or gown for women

Dress Code - Men

Ties should reach your belt buckle Socks should cover your shin when sitting

Wear a long sleeve shirt with a suit

Socks match either pants or shoes Button suit or sport coat when standing Two button coat button top button Three button coat button top two buttons Double breasted coat button all buttons

Dress Code - Women

Use fragrances sparingly Makeup and jewelry should be kept simple If the men are wearing ties, you should be wearing hose Avoid all clothing that is too revealing or too restrictive Dont wear heels so high that you are unsteady (common height 2-3) Nails should not be more than in length

Practice makes perfect
Name of most honored person is mentioned 1st Dean White I would like to introduce my brother, Bob. 2nd person mentioned in the order of gender, age, rank- President Wefald I would like to introduce my mother, Marie. Equal status use gender and age to decide who to mention first Grandma Smith I would like to introduce you to my neighbor, Dorothy.

Hand Shake
Always wear your name tag on your right shoulder for a clear eye line Stand to meet someone Extend your hand immediately Web to web Shake from your elbow Hold 3-4 seconds Maintain eye contact A confident hand shake compliments the introduction

All rapport is built upon conversation most begin with small talk Approach with a smile and eye contact Open a conversation with a genuine compliment or an open ended question

Whatever you do, dont begin with a lecture about yourself

Turn the spotlight on them

A Good Conversationalist:
Is polite
Is a good listener Puts others at ease Can discuss numerous issues Asks good questions Never interrupts

A Good Conversationalist:
Graciously accepts a compliment with a simple, thank you Extends a compliment with sincerity When mingling;
approach groups of three rather than two learns to open and end conversations with grace picks up on nonverbal cues when to end a conversation with Its been a pleasure talking with you, please excuse me. or Ive enjoyed meeting you, please excuse me. never have your drink more than half full so if you are stuck you can say excuse me, Im going to refill my drink.

Telephone Tips
Tone and voice clarity are more important than the words you use Smile & speak clearly and slowly Return all calls within 24 hours Never eat, drink or chew gum while talking Always begin a call by introducing yourself, your company and with whom you wish to speak When answering a call immediately write down the callers name and repeat it during the conversation

Dining Etiquette
Napkin Use

Reading the Table Setting

Use of Silverware

When You Have Finished

Tips to Look Your BEST

Your appearance impacts your mood and confidence Dress to fit your audience & yourself

Clothing should fit & be well-maintained

Dark colors compliment your shape and create the appearance of authority Polish your shoes people notice! Quality accessories are important; briefcase, purse, umbrella, etc

T T T F 1. A man should wait for a woman to initiate a handshake. F 2. It is better to make no introductions at all than to use an incorrect form. F 3. A woman should not open a door for a man.

F 4. The only time to call attention to someones appearance or behavior mistake is when they can do something about it.
F 5. A decisive statement can be negated by weak body language. F 6. A little gossip about someone will help loosen up conversation.


___30%____50% ____70% of the message that you communicate is conveyed through your visual appearance.
About ___% of ones financial success is due to ones technical knowledge and about ___% is due to skill in human engineering. -Dale Carnegie (1936)



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