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Physical Abuse to Children

I. Child Abuse A. Types of Child Abuse 1. Physical Abuse 2. Emotional Abuse 3. Sexual Abuse 4. Neglect Abuse B. Types of Physical Abuse 1. Thermal injury a) Scalds b) Contact dry burn c) Burns from flames d) Cigarette burns e) Electrical burns f) Chemical burns g) Radiant burns 3. Hitting 4. Punching 5. Kicking 6. Slapping 7. Pulling hair 8. Pinching 9. Cutting 10. Starvation 11. Forced feeding 12. Stabbing 13. Drowning 3. The major risk factors for child abuse A. Social-Economic Causes of Child Abuse 1. Family income level 2. Differing cultural values 3. Institutionalized manifestations of abuse B. Causes of Child Abuse on Family Environment 1. Domestic violence 2. Single parent 3. Child-rearing practices


Causes of Child Abuse on Parental Profile 1. Age of the parents. 2. Low self-confidence 3. Past history of abuse 4. Drug and alcohol problems 5. Mental health problems. 6. Low prevalence of social ties 7. Refusal to believe their way of parenting is wrong 8. The parent is mentally handicapped in a way that doesn't enable him or her to provide proper care for their children 9. Having unrealistic expectations for their children

General References:
Encyclopedia & Dictionary
Bergmann, P. G. (1993). Relativity. In The new encyclopedia britannica (Vol. 26, pp. 501-508). Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica. Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary (10th ed.). (1993). Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster. Pettingill, O. S., Jr. (1980). Falcon and Falconry. World book encyclopedia. (pp. 150-155). Chicago: World Book. Tobias, R. (1991). Thurber, James. Encyclopedia americana. (p. 600). New York: Scholastic Library Publishing. Format: Author's last name, first initial. (Date). Title of Article. Title of Encyclopedia (Volume, pages). City of publication: Publishing company.

References : Kingsley, J. (1993). Child Abuse and Child Abusers Protection and Prevention. New York: Lorraine Waterhouse. Clark, E. & Clark, J.F.(1989). The Encyclopedia of Child Abuse. United States of America: Facts on FIL New York. Janko, S.(1994). Vulnerable Children, Vulnerable Families. New York: Teachers College Press. Tower, C.C. (1984). Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect. Massachusetts: Stock Boston. Meadow, R. (1997). ABC of Child Abuse. London: BMJ Publishing Group. Havelin, K. (2000). Child Abuse: Why do my parents hit me?. United States of America: Capstone Press.

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