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Government grant: A government grant is a grant that the government give out at free will and dont expect any money or interest to be paid back. These are often given to public or private organisations. Non government grant: Non-governmental organizations must be free of control by any government. It also must be non-profit and not constituted as a political party. So this would be when somebody like a bank or an independent organisation free of governmental control, gives out a grant to a particular organisation. Member loans: A member loan is where somebody who is a member of the organisation gives there money to the club or injects money into a club, although they do expect it back after a while. Financial institution loans: A financial institution is when a bank or a particular set up gives out money or loans money to an organisation; people use financial institutions every single day because they deal with everything from depositing money to taking out loans and exchange currencies. Membership subscriptions: This is where the participants of a club have to pay money just to be a member of the club, this usually only consists of members of a voluntary organisation because they wont receive as much if any money from the government. Lottery funding: This is where the national lottery gives away different amounts of money to different projects or clubs for them too progress further in their project, they usually give the money to voluntary organisations although some would go to public. Private investment: This is where somebody who is a shareholder of the club or an owner or organiser of the club will invest in the club themselves or get their acquaintances to perhaps put money into the organisation and these organisations dont take money from the lottery or many public associations. Donations: Donations are where different groups of people give money to volunteer organisations, so the lottery would be a prime example of [people that give donations, you do also sometimes get private shareholders or owners of a wealthy business give money to charity, i.e. Aston Vila football club gave money to acorn for 1 year who became their sponsor for free, to notify more people of their charity.

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