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Affirmative Action is one of the most highly debated public policies in America.

Its supporters claim that it help redo past injustices in America. Their opponents claim that it is reverse discrimination and contradictory. The goal of Affirmative Action was to give neglected groups that were denied access to opportunities in the past. Critics of the problem claim that it gives people jobs in which they are not qualified. The misconception of Affirmative Action is that it was design to help racial minority, but statistics show that women are the biggest benefactors of this policy. There is a direct correlation between poverty and race in this nation. A student that comes from a low income communities tend to do worse on standardized tests. Their failures are not directly correlated to their work ethic but rather their circumstance. Something simple as not eating in the morning can affect a students effectiveness in school. According to The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition children that are malnourished are less effective at processing information. According to New York Times bestselling, Malcolm Gladwell, students that work a job are less likely to get good grades because they dont have as much time as to study. Lower income communities also have the worst schools in the nation. Despite popular hard-work alone will not make a person successful, but rather opportunity, time, and access.

The shallows- Nicholas Carr

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