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A Diplodocus was a plant eater it was by length-90 feet 27 m long and by height-16 ft 5 m tall at the hips and weight-10-20 tons it lived late Jurassic period, about 145-155 million years ago
many Diplodocus fossil have been found in rocky mountains of the western USA (in Colorado, Montana ,Utah, and Wyoming.) the first Diplodocus fossil was found by Earl Douglass and Samuel w. Williston in 1877. many Diplodocus fossils have been found, including a skin impression. Diplodocus had a 26 foot 8 m long neck and a 45 foot 14 m whip like a tail. Its head was less than 2 feet long, and its nostrils were at the top of its head. The front legs were shorter then its back legs. And all legs had elephant like, five toed feet.

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