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Candida-Fungus Infection: Sexual Transmissible Disease or Not?

Many women and men ask themselves if an individual actually has Candida albicans, can she or he go into a sex intimacy, just like kissing and oral intercourse, or simply this fact will place the other partner under the risks of contracting the disease. And can someone infected by Candida be 100 percent freed from this persistent infection? We live all with a few Candida yeast inside our intestinal tract. Candida contamination evolves into an infection disease whenever you have an overgrowth of the bacteria colony. Fungal overgrowth is nurtured by an overly acidic body. This bodily state is what is called in medicine "Acidosis". This disorder is caused mainly by our life-style and modern day acidic-diet. It conduces to a progressive generalized dysfunction of the body important processes and finally to degenerative chronic diseases. The moment the body becomes more acidic these subsequent health conditions will build up. To begin with the blood will become less fluid. Its circulation will likely be slowed down and it will no longer have the capability to reach the smallest capillaries all over the body. The transport plus the distribution of the nutrients, antibodies and of the wastes will become a lot more disturbed. Also the myriad of enzyme-supported reactions within our metabolism, which are pH dependent, will likely see their speed, mechanism and end-products inevitably modified. Hence acidosis does impair at the same time our immune system, our physiology and metabolism. Acidosis undermines our body vital functions as does HIV. This means that you acquire Candida/yeast infection with ease when ever your immune system, physiology and metabolism are impaired by acidosis. That situation is quite comparable, for its weakening effects, to the circumstance when you have two people, one person with an HIV positive and the individual number 2 with an HIV negative. If both of them are contaminated just by an opportunist microbe, the situation that follows will likely develop: the person with HIV positive may have her/his body easily infected by the microbe as a consequence of her/his damaged body defense system. The person # 2, with HIV negative, will likely be able to resist the infection her or his immune system being sufficiently strong. So yes Candida infection disease appears to be sexually transmissible, conditional nevertheless upon your partner bodily condition. So if you are infected you need to avoid unprotected sex. It's impossible to get rid at 100% of Candida bacteria - Although it's possible to stop and control the infection. Yeast Candida should be taken as human body common companions. When people take a cure against Candida the purpose is actually to suppress the invasion (the infection, the overgrowth) and to restore the bacteria population to a controlled minimal level point at which they no more harm our body health. acidosis diseases

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