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Candida-Fungus Infection: Sexual Transmissible Disease or Not?

You're certainly interested to learn what if someone has yeast Candida infection, may he or she have a sex relation, particularly kisses or/and oral intercourse, or possibly this fact is going to put the partner under the risk of being affected? Finally can an individual with Candida infection get hundred percent freed from this persistent ailment? Actually all humans we carry a bit of Candida bacteria within the intestines. Candida contamination will only become an infection and a disease when there's an overgrowth of the bacteria population. This overgrowth is in fact nurtured by an overly acidic body. This body condition is what is called in medicine acidosis. This under known disease is caused usually by our today's lifestyle and present modern acidic-diet. It conducts to a general and gradual dysfunction of the bodily vital activities and eventually to most severe chronic diseases. When the body goes more acidic the following health situations develop. To begin with the blood will actually get less fluid. Its circulation will normally be slowed and it will no longer be able to reach easily the smallest capillary vessels across the body. The transport and therefore the distribution of all needed nutrients, anti-bodies and of the wastes will get progressively more disrupted. Moreover the multitude of enzyme-supported reactions within our metabolism, which are pH dependent, will end up with their speed, mechanism and end-products at some point altered or right changed. Thus acidosis does impair all together our metabolism, physiology and immune system. Acidosis is for human body, as we should all know, a freeway to degenerative diseases as the virus HIV is. So you can easily get a yeast/Candida infection when-ever your immune system, metabolism, and physiology are actually damaged by acidosis. Body over-acidity, acidosis, can be compared to the circumstance where there are two people, a person #1 with HIV positive and another one with an HIV negative. If the two of them happen to be contaminated just with an opportunistic microorganism, here are the probable outcomes that may be expected. The body of the person HIV positive will be very easily infected by the microbe as a consequence of her/his weakened body defense system. The person # 2, with HIV negative, is going very probably to resist the opportunistic infection his/her body's immune system being strong. Of course yes, Candida fungus infection should be considered sexually transmissible. This depends nevertheless upon how properly your partner immune system, physiology, and metabolism work. That's why if you know you are infected you should better abstain from any sort of unprotected sexual relation. It's impossible to get rid at 100% of Candida bacteria. However with appropriate nutrition and lifestyle we can stop the infection. Candida bacteria might be seen as our body normal companions. People objective when taking a cure for Candida might be just to suppress the infection (overgrowth or invasion) and to restore the fungal population to a minimal and controlled level at which the bacteria will no longer succeed to harm the condition of our body. Candida infections

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