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In smokers with cough, does chest x-ray or chest CT have a better positive or negative predictive value for lung


P - Adult smokers with cough I - Chest x-ray C - Chest CT O - Positive and negative predictive value for lung cancer

Do statins, as primary prevention, improve mortality/morbidity in DM pts w/ LDL already <100 compared to no Rx? (therapy, prevention)? P - Diabetics (w/o h/o CV events) w/ LDL <100 I - Statin C - Placebo or no tx O - Stroke, MI, ESRD, etc.

You are seeing a child with acute diarrhea and a lower respiratory infection. You know that zinc supplementation will improve the diarrhea, but will it help the respiratory infection as well? Or is there something else that you can add that might work with the zinc?

P - Child with diarrhea and respiratory infection I - Zinc supplementation C - Zinc supplementation plus something else O - Improvement in diarrhea and respiratory infection

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