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Children's Pilgrimage We became imaginary orphans Ten pairs of eyes wandered around Nestucca cabin.

Shyly they catch each other, flickering with anticipation and wonder. Whats it going to be like having nine brothers, living by a lake in a forest for the summer? This adoption is real! triumphed Tonka, our counselor. If you believe Him, our heavenly Dad says the eternal family starts here. Gripped, our eyes met again, this time we are brothers. We began our journey together, child pilgrims. We returned together, sojourning sherpas. To the mountain top, where we can watch the waves of soul work roll in. So we set out to heave our burdens toward God on the switchbacks. The Ghost replied, soaking our faith with downpours of mercy. A firelight greeted us, music weaved our testimonies into the majestic skyline sanctuary, pointing us towards the Word, Jesus loves, forgives... can we? Will we? Barreling down the hill rejoicing, filled with grace that overcomes hurt. Racing like lunatics to sunset point, simply to be staggered by glory. Weve come to join the children's pilgrimage.

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