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Regional water wholesaler to 6 coun2es covering 5,200 square miles ! Serves 19 million people= 50% of the states popula2on with projected popula2on growth ~150,000 people/ year
! Regional economy $800+ billion
! Supplies about half of all regional retail demands ! Includes 26 member agencies

Sierra Mountains LA Aqueduct Delta State Water Project Supplies

Average Rainfall = 15 inches per year

Colorado River Aqueduct Supplies

An IRP is a planning process that examines all types of water supplies and conserva>on in a holis>c and interconnected manner.

Characteris2cs of a good IRP include: ! Incorpora2on of stakeholder values and ideas ! Long-term planning horizon ! Meets mul2ple objec2ves ! Addresses uncertainty and risk

Blueprint for Adap2ng to Change

Water Use Eciency Local Resources SWP CRA

20% by 2020 Retail Compliance Con2nue Exis2ng Programs Incen2ves and Partnerships Con2nue Exis2ng Programs Delta Improvements Con2nue Exis2ng Programs Develop Dry-Year Supply Programs Con2nue Exis2ng Programs

! Tradi2onal Planning ! Assumes sta2onary climate ! Uses recorded weather and hydrology 2mes series ! Paleo records, re-sampling, stochas2c methods

Con e of Un cert aint y*

*Malcolm Pirnie

! Tradi2onal Planning ! Assumes sta2onary climate ! Uses recorded weather and hydrology 2mes series ! Paleo records, re-sampling, stochas2c methods

Con ! Climate Change Planning e of Un cert ! 500+ possible scenarios aint y* ! Unknown accuracy ! Many other sources of uncertainty ! Need methods for incorpora2ng uncertain2es

*Malcolm Pirnie

Robust Decision Making

Future Range of outcomes

Uncertainty from:
Present ! Climate Change ! Demographic & Economic Growth ! Energy and Strategy Implementa2on Costs ! Regula2ons and Restric2ons on Supplies

Iden%fy Triggers

Par>cipate in Research
& Knowledge Sharing
Quan2ca2on of Current Research Collabora2on with federal, state & u2li2es (WUCA) Support economical, innova2ve management Pursuit of exible solu2ons of issues
Current as of 10/12/10

Planning Incorpora2on
Integrated Water Resources Plan Bay Delta Conserva2on Plan Legisla2ve and Policy Analysis Energy Management Plan

Program Implementa2on
GHG mi2ga2on and energy eciency Conserva2on, storage and recycling incen2ves Buer Supplies

Hydroelectricity Solar Energy Wind power Energy Audits Plumbing retrots and landscaping

! On-going planning and investment

! Coordina2on by regional and local water u2li2es

! Con2nue to focus on research

! Understand climate change impact/risk ! Develop planning and monitoring tools

! Integrated adap2ve management

! Reduce risk and increase reliability ! Iden2fy and implement using vulnerability triggers

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