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Breeze 1.2.1 You need to have java version 1.4 or later installed on your system to run this program.

This program has not been tested for any other OS/plateform other than Windows X P. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, it is provided o n an "as is" basis, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. * Use at your own risk! If you have any question you may send email to

Change Record. v 1.1 Fixed null values for neighbors Fiexed wrong sectors file for Street Atlas UMTs 1900 Parsed OMCU and LRNC BE using SAX parser that has improved the speed Added helper scripts for troubleshooting the application v 1.2 Added Route Converter (Circle, Arc and Ellipse are not supported) Added Status Indicator (Red, Green and 4 blinking lights) v 1.2.1 Added .chm and .pdf help files. Added Green Book icon to launch help.

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