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Information Management systems

Prof.JR Kumar



Information Management systems-L1

As a manager,you must know how information available in time can make your business more profitable. Knowledge is power. Decisions should be based on Information. Timely availability of information to the performers makes correction easy in case of deviations in performance.



Information Management systems-L1

Business innovations and explosion of technology is rapidly changing the business scene.Improved method of communication is is setting up a new business culture.



Information Management systems-L1

As there are different level in management,there are bound to be different types of Information systems to cater to the needs of the users. The Diagram will illustrate the point



Information Management systems-L1

Operational level Systems are Transaction Processing Systems(TPS).payroll preparation,order processing,daily cash plan etc. Management level systems help monitoring, Controlling ,decision making,and administrative activities of the middle level managers.Providing periodical reports. Strategic level Systems help Senior management in handling and tackling the Strategic issues and long term trends. The four functional Areas where information systems are extensively used are : 1.Sales & marketing 2.Manufacturing and Production 3. Finance and Accounting 4.Human Resources.
6/27/2012 BIFT 5

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