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Allison White Lesson Plan: Writing Goal: Students will learn the Cyrillic alphabet with an initial approach

to accurate pronunciation. Objective: Students will learn the Cyrillic alphabet and use it to write their names and read basic words. Outcome: Students will be familiarized with and begin to use the Cyrillic alphabet. Warm-up: Exchange basic greetings with students (Hello, how are you?). Activity 1: Pass out Cyrillic alphabet guide. Go through the alphabet out loud, having students repeat the sounds after you and being sure to spend extra time on the harder sounds/concepts. In particular, give a very simple explanation of the vowel system. Activity 2: Have each student write their name in Cyrillic. Answer questions and correct (hopefully small) errors in writing. Activity 3: Pass out sheet of cognates and English loan words in Russian. Have students use the alphabet to figure each one out. Cooldown: Write one letter at a time and have the students call out the sound it makes. Homework: Study the alphabet for a quiz.

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