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Input data For making any sim model you would need the following 1.Static data 2.

Fluid data (PVT, SCAL) 3. Rock data 4. Initialization data 5.Well data If i miss something i will add do not worry).

1. Static data Static model the model which comes from any prepost ( like petrel, eclipse Grid, rms, power model by rumors) utility and have the following data which are 1.1 Grid or mesh - physical position of cells ( in the corner point geometry it 8 coordinates of cell and depth of each corner) 1.2 Faults - Faces of cells and transmissibility's(Link 2) 1.3 Properties data - NTG, Poro, Swat, Permx, Permy, Permz 1.4 Well connection data- data which generated by program telling which cell connects to which well/ In this chapter i will use as prepost Petrel as i think it is for now the most powerful and user friendly package. If any one want to add other packages like RMS you are welcome. Structure of data Grid o mesh To get that data out of petrel you will need to do the following 1. Choose model ( pic1) Pic(1)

Right click on mouse (pic2)


Pic 3

So you choose generic eclipse style geometry and property data (pic3) Once you type the name of new file Petel will as you do you want to also export properties my suggestion would be that you export properties separately because of i,j,k start position i will explain later So unchecking box EXPORT PROPERTIES(pic4)


and pressing Export settings(pic4)

Pic 5

In advance settings (pic5) the most important boxes are Petrel cell origin and Undefined property value !!!! Petrel cell origin in Grid data SHOULD BE THE SAME AS WHEN YOU EXPORT PROPERTIES which will be shown later Other wise you can get reverse model Undefined property value should be 0 because some times Petrel by default can assign -999 in this case for example you will encounter ERROR during data read in eclipse which will be covered later. So this file will tell simulator position of cell is it active or not and from this file simulator can culculate 1. Bulk volume of cell 2. Area of Faces of cell for calculating transmissibility's 3. Depth of cell - take note that in Eclipse depth of cell calculates at the geometrical center of cell 4. Number of active cells . Here MAIN note As most of users uses 32 bit version of Eclipse that means that windows can allocate for Eclipse only 1000000 mb of RAM memory .For each active cell Eclipse requires approximately 2.5 kbytes of memory . So for 32 version of Eclipse no meter how much of RAM your machine has you will be able to run models only limited to 417000 active cells . So you should now number of your future simulation model first in petrel if you do not want waste the time for repeat upscaling.

How to do this ? it is very simple . The eclipse treats all incative cells( with actnum 0) and with ntg, poro =0 as inactive So in petrel check ntg property (pic(6)) pic 6

and double click om the ntg property (pic7)

You will be return to property statistics What you need is number of cells in filtered area So now my model consitts of 521000 cells but this cells includes also cells with 0 ntg to switch them off doble click on properties in model ( pic9) pic9

Go to filter (pic10) pic 10

And apply (USE VALUE FILTER) pic 11

now you made inactive all sells with ntg less than 0.0001 no return to property Ntg pic 12 pic12

the true number of active cells in my future model is 405895

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