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Oversight Chairman Issa Statement on Supreme Court Obamacare Ruling

(WASHINGTON)Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) released the following statement regarding the U.S. Supreme Court decision on President Obamas health care law: The Supreme Court has ruled to uphold the Presidents Obamacare. Despite being viewed as Constitutional by a narrow majority, this law will do great harm to our country by imposing new taxes, burying job creators in new red tape and saddling future generations with debt they cant afford. In selling Obamacare, Congressional Democrats and President Obama assured the American people that it was not a tax. Today, the Supreme Court ruled it was, in fact, a tax. This tax was imposed on the American people amidst an extended recession and is one of the many reasons our economy remains stagnant under President Obamas leadership. To date, the Republican-led House of Representatives has voted 30 times to repeal, dismantle and defund Obamacareand we will continue our efforts to repeal this law and replace it with health care reform that enacts needed reforms without imposing costs that will be paid by subsequent generations. In the days ahead, I will work with my colleagues to achieve real solutions to Americas health care challenges that do not infringe on doctor patient relationships, impose unpopular mandates, and do not add to the nations already significant debt.


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