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1. Explain in brief state diagram. 2. Differentiate between object diagram & state diagram. 3.

Define scenario & event trace diagram. 4. Prepare scenario & event trace diagram & event flow diagram for a phone call. 5. Prepare scenario & event trace diagram & event flow diagram for playing a com plete cassette in a tape recorder. 6. Prepare scenario & event trace diagram & event flow diagram for ATM. 7. Prepare the secnerio for the following activities: Moving a bag of corn a goose & a fox across a river in a boat Only one thing may be carried in a boat at a time. If the goose is left along with the fox the goose will be eaten. Prepare two secnerio one in which something gets eaten & one in which everything is safely transporte d. 8. Write short note on : i. Condition ii. Operation 9. Explain nested state diagram.. 10. Explain state generalization with the help of suitable diagram. 11. Explain event generalization with the help of suitable diagram. 12. Draw a state diagram for atraffic light at an intersection with guarded tran saction.One pair of electric lights checks the north south left turn lanes. Another pair che cks east west turn lanes then the traffic light control logic is smart enough to skip the left turn portion of the cycle. 13. Write short note on : i. Aggregation concurrency ii. Concurrency within an object 14. How objects within a system interacts with each other. 15. Write short note on : i. entry & exit action ii. internal action iii. automatic transaction iv. activity. v. Guarded transition. vi. Derieved attribute vii. Link attribute 16. Explain synchronization of concurrent activities. 17. Explain functional modeling. 18. What is DFD? Explain various components of DFD with the help of suitable dia gram. 19. State & explain various ways of specifying operations. 20. Prepare DFD to compute volume & surface area of a cylinder. Insights areheig ht & radius of cylinder & outputs are volume & surface area. 21. Using quadratic formula as a starting point, prepare a DFD for computing the roots of quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0.Real numbers a, b, c are inputs & outputs are valu es of x=R1 & x=R2. R1 & R2 may be real & complex depending on thevalue of a, b, c. 22. Explain the relationship between object, dynamic & functional model. 23. Explain sample dynamic model. 24. Explain sample functional model.

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