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to the seekers of truth: part nine

the religion within

When you start expanding yourself you start feeling your own mind the peace, the bliss of your own mind.
Many times you will find there is no thought, but the joy is just bursting in and you just think why has it happened. Suddenly, how did I get this? Gradually the state of joy starts increasing in its frequency and you become joy. That is what one has to achieve. To become the joy is important. And once you become that joy, it is not a duality. It is not a thing in which you feel the happiness and unhappiness, but you feel the joy. Joy is a witness. It is a kind of a power of a witness which sees a drama. By seeing the drama, whether tragedy or comedy, it is at a point where you are just a witness and enjoying it. In the same way, you will see so-called the comedies and tragedies of your life and the futility of your nonsensical endeavours and you will laugh at it, Oh, thats it, thats me. There is a higher being who sees all this and is giving you a drama of yourself, projecting it through you that this is what you are. See yourself. The power of wisdom The capacity to see the drama, that is what we develop. That is the mental capacity to which we rise with Self Realization. You start seeing, through and through, the mockery of all this kind of seriousness and the hypocrisy and the way people who are stupid try to give you stupid ideas. And once you are realized, you laugh at yourself, Oh God, I was so stupid. That is what should happen. If that does not happen, your Self Realization has no meaning. The righteousness and the virtues become part and parcel of your being. It is not that you have to be told anything you just should not do it. It is beyond your self-respect because you respect your Self, you respect your spirit. How can you do such a thing? You cannot despise yourself, can you? You just become virtuous. You may be kind to others. Even if they are not virtuous, you can be nice to them. You can forgive them, but as far as you are concerned, there is no compromise. And you enjoy your virtues. You enjoy your Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi magnanimity. You enjoy your generosity. People will tell you, Stupid fool, you go on 8 July 1984 London distributing things. What are you doing? And you will laugh at them.

a Divine Cool Breeze introduction to Sahaja Yoga

You become religious. You become the guru yourself.

As Lao-Tse said, when a wise man sees the way, he respects it and says this is the way. That is the sign of a wise man. And a mediocre, who is half this way and that way, when he sees the way, he waits for others to go into it. And when the stupid sees the way, he laughs. But when the wise sees the stupid in himself, he laughs. So that power of wisdom starts shining through you. You become a wise, righteous, virtuous man. Such a balanced and integrated person you become that whatever you do is good for your spirit and for the spirit of others. That which is good for the spirit In Sanskrit the word is hitta. Whatever is good for your spirit and for the spirit of others, you do it. And that is the right thing to do and that is how you become a righteous personality. That is the religion within you that gets awakened. Nobody has to tell you your religion. You yourself become your own master, your own guru and, by that, you determine yourself, Now Mister, you cant do this. No, you cant. So you become your own police commissioner. You do not need any outsider to tell you. You are on your own guard because, if you do something like that, your vibrations will disappear and then you wont like it. Then you feel uneasy. Nobody has to have you as a guru. There is no need. You become your own guru. It is the best way. And thats how you solve the problem of becoming better. By others is very difficult, but yourself becoming better by your own understanding and urges, it is a thousandfold happier and stronger. So the third thing that happens to you is that you become religious. You become the guru yourself. Nobody has to tell you because there is a natural valency of ten within you which starts balancing you and you become one and enjoy that balance. As you enjoy a balance of colours in a beautiful photograph, in the same way, you enjoy the balance within yourself. You enjoy your personality, you enjoy your being and you enjoy to be the Self. And those who are on the same level, you just enjoy each other. This is the first time you enjoy other human beings as if you are enjoying a flower. The fragrance of that personality is a spiritual fragrance. It is so beautiful and attractive. Without any lust and greed in it, but just enjoying the company is real perfect bliss. May God bless you. The three experiences of Self Realization: 1. you feel it on your central nervous system, 2. it is felt absolutely as collective consciousness (all feel the same truth), 3. there is transformation (you become a guru).

VALENCE: The number of possible bonds or qualities. For an atom, it is the number of bonds it can make with another atom. For a human, it is the number of qualities or laws of dharma.

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