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A email sent to client for a go to meeting session.

Hi Travis, I would like to thank you for giving us the room to have the demo at 04:00 PM today. The Gotomeeting info for web conferencing is mentioned below, Please join my meeting, Thursday, June 21 at 04:00 PM EDT at



I was curious as to how we can change the required fields when someone is filling out a profile online. Janet was hoping that we could make willing to travel a mandatory field, as this will greatly reduce the number of calls for certain jobs that we have to make. Can I change it when I am logged in, or is this something that your team would have to work on? Thanks
Reply : Hi Andrea, This change would have to be made by us.Let me have a word with my team and then I will be able to get back to you on this. Thanks, Siddharth Taliyan 3:


I was curious as to how we can change the required fields when someone is filling out a profile online. Janet was hoping that we could make willing to travel a mandatory field, as this will greatly reduce the number of calls for certain jobs that we have to make. Can I change it when I am logged in, or is this something that your team would have to work on? Thanks Reply : Hi Andrea,
Willing to Travel is a part of Job Preferences and making Willing to Travel as mandatory would mean that Job Preferences would also have to be made mandatory otherwise the candidate would not need to fill in that information to submit the profile.As far as I understand, too many mandatory tabs could cause some complications for your candidates. 4: Hi Ernest,

I had a discussion with the team about the State field in the Job Requisition. At this stage, we cannot make the state field as non-mandatory because this would affect the architecture. But, we can surely incorporate an option Other in the list of states available for a country selected. So, if a user does not know the state to be selected then he/she can choose Other from the list and proceed. Kindly let me know if this would be of help in the current scenario. Thanks for the e-mail Sid. I figured it was something along those lines. Can you add the "other and a blank space as an option? I would recommend adding the terms "not specified" and "unknown" as opposed to "other". Sid, Where are we with this request? As you can see from the e-mail below, Pat recommended we use not "specified" and "unknown as opposed to "other". Ernest, The request has been sent to the development team. I will get back to you on the ETA shortly. As Pat rightly recommended, Not Specified or Unknown makes more sense.

Thanks, Sid Ernest, In regards with the State Field of a Requisition, Other has been replaced with Unspecified. The ticket for this request has been closed. Thanks, Sid

5: Siddharth,
Is there a way to assign multiple candidates at once to another requisition from within one requisition? Hi Alessia, At this stage, you can shortlist one candidate at a time to multiple requisitions from a requisition by using assign to other reqs. You would then have to select other candidates one by one. Kindly let me know if you need further clarifications on this. Regards, Sid 6: Hi Phil, In the new release, a new functionality that has been added to alchemus would allow you to see the Subject Line, Senders email address and the whole email body of the emails that come into alchemus. You just have to click on the blue mail symbol to the left of viewed symbol. Once you click on that symbol, you would see the email window that would give you all the info It may happen sometimes that the Ref # and Subject Columns dont populate automatically. We will surely look into it. But as of now, I believe you have all the info to work with the candidate. Kindly let me know if you would like to have a session on the new release to understand it better. 7: I dont think youre getting the point. No subject line means the resume does not enable the system to place the resume directly into the req it is associated with. Sincerely, Philip G. Puccio (Phil) I would like to apologize for not expressing myself appropriately in my email. I do understand that if there is no Ref# then the resume would not attach itself to the Email leads folder of that requisition. However, I was just trying to help you with an alternate solution so that your business is not affected by this issue. We have rebooted the servers on our end. We have put a procedure in place so that this issue does not re-surface in future. Kindly let me know if you need further assistance. 8: Hi Sid, Please look into this for me. I just sent 8 resumes from Dice to Alchemus (see enclosed) and of the 8, 1 of them worked properly (Subject line included and directed to the right req.). Why would this one work and others not work? Hi Phil, This seems to be the same issue that you were facing earlier while routing resumes from Dice. We had spoken to Dice about it. We see that one out of the eight resumes that were routed made it to alchemus without any errors. So the issue seems to be intermittent. I believe we should speak with them once more as we have not received any follow up on this issue. Kindly let me know when you would like to schedule a conference call with Dice.

9: Hi,

Due to some problems with the ISP, we have some networking issues today. Alchemus would have a maintenance shutdown at 05:30 PM PST on 07/12/2007 (Today). Duration of maintenance: 30 mins. Kindly forward this email to other users in the company. Hi, The maintenance update scheduled at 05:30 PM PST today has been called off. We have successfully fixed all the issues that were hampering the performance of Alchemus today. So, there would be no downtime for today. We, at inetgen, appreciate your cooperation. Kindly let me know if you need my assistance.

10: Hi Janet,
Hope you are doing well. I had received your email on 05/23/2007 in which you had requested that Heidi Bremer should not have access to Alchemus. So we disabled her login but she was still an active contact person in the system. That is the reason why she received this notification. I should have clarified with you about the status of Heidi Bremer in Alchemus so that we would have deactivated her profile completely on that day and not just the login. Per your request now, I have completely deactivated her profile in Alchemus. So, she will not receive any notifications from today. Kindly let me know if you need further assistance. 11: Hi Krystel, We have worked on the issue that you are facing currently while saving requisitions. It seems like we will have to take a look into your computer settings again. I will get back to you on Monday to plan a meeting on this.

12: Hi Phil,
Weekends always make you feel better! I just wanted to notify you that the access to Document Management module has been given to you and other users in the company. However, I would just like to know if you would not like to give this access to a particular role(s) in your company. Currently, all roles within the company have access to Document Management except for contractors. Kindly let me know if you need any assistance with this new module in the left panel. Hi Sid, Thanks for getting this set up for us. It is fine to give access to this to all of our users..Per your request, access to doc management has been given to all the roles including contractors.

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