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Photography Composition Notes: 1. Rule of thirds: a. Rule of thirds! 2. Symmetry and Patterns: a.

You dont have to have all of these things. Some. Not all. 3. Background: a. Color Contrasts are interesting. b. Blurry backgrounds are prominent for portraits. 4. Filling the Frame: a. You can use people, trees, background, ect. To fill the frame. 5. Telling a Story: a. Use relationships and compare and contrasts to tell a story. b. Filling your frame helps with telling your story. Two birds with one stone. 6. View Points: a. Try out differing viewpoints. Not always eye-level. Vantage! 7. Cropping: a. Cropping allows for a better composition. It perfects what you want. 8. Leading Lines: a. Lines that lead to or through the images. If you see something going on, use it. If not, then dont. b. Leading lines and symmetry often times go hand in hand. 9. Texture: a. Use it if you can. If not, then you dont have to. 10. Angles: a. Angles can make something boring a lot more exciting.

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