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the sun gives us energy in two forms: light and heat.

For many years people have been using solar energy to make their homes brighter and warmer. Solar collectors trap the sun's rays to produce heat. A solar collector may be a box, a frame or a room containing these parts: - clear covers, which let in solar energy -absorber plates, which soak up heat - insulation materials, which prevent heat from escaping - vents or pipes The drain-waste system carries used water and wastewater out of the house, into a sewer or a septic tank. There are 2 tipes of wastewater: grey water which is the water coming from the kitchen sink and the bathtub and black water wich is the water coming from the toilet.

Baroque architecture The origin of the term "baroque" is uncertain, thought it may have derived from the Portuguese "barocco", which means "grotesque or defrormed pearl". Emerging in both Rome and Paris shortly after 1600, Baroque style spread throughout Europe, where it prevailed for one hundred and fifty years. Baroque emphasises bold masses and curved shapes, strong lines, and rich colours. Decorations appeal directly to the senses in a theatrical, threedimensional, almost grotesque way. Baroque architecture was extremely popular on the European continent but it had only a brief flowering in England. what is architecture? 1- art and science of designing and constructing building 2-a design or style of a building Before choosing a radiator you must determine how much heat each rooms requires. You must calculate the heat loss. Firs of all measure every room, the window sizes and outside wall sizes. The best place for every radiator is under a window.

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