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Getting it right on the first try is based on dumb luck.

Nothing in the game can help you get it. Getting it on the second try is slightly easier... but it's still more on luck t han skill. You can logically figure out where the numbers need to go if you get lucky on your first placement and you have alot of hits or near hits. I've only done it once. As for how the game works, look at the side and bottow of each row/column. the ' H' row stands for a hit. The number in H section stands for how many numbers you have in the right spot. You can cross reference the hits yo u have in each column and row to determine what number is right. The 'B' rows and column spots are trickier... they mean that in the specific row /column, you have a number that needs to be there, but is in the wrong spot. Example: 1 2 5 {1} {1} 8 3 7 {0) {2} 9 6 4 {0} {2} {0}{0}{1} H B {0}{1}{0} B In this example, the '5' is in the right place. It's marked as a 'hit' on both c olumn and row. The 8 3 7 row has two numbers that are in the right row, but they aren't in the right column. That means that one of those three numbers needs to be moved to the row above or below it and th e other numbers need to stay in that row, but change the column they are in. So let's move the numbers around and we get this: 6 2 5 {1} {1} 4 7 8 {1) {2} 9 1 3 {1} {1} {0}{1}{2} H B {1}{0}{0} B Now, with this, we can conclude that the 8 is now in the right spot, and that th e 7 and 4 are in the right row, just not in the right column... you can just switch those two around and they wi ll be good in your next guess. We can also conclude that we got lucky with the movement of '1' and can mark it as in the right spot as well. One can logically determine that the '9' is the 'right row, wrong spot' number o n the bottom row. Since the '1' is confirmed to be in the right spot, that leaves the right column to be the only other place for the '9' At this point, one can logically determine the correct placement of the other nu mbers. The first two placements were good guesses, because they give enough clues to to determine where the rest go if you think about it logically and carefully. Here is the final answer:

2 3 5 {3} {0} 7 4 8 {3} {0} 6 1 9 {3} {0} {3}{3}{3} H B {0}{0}{0} B It's a combination of luck and logic to do Code Breaker.

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