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Era of globalization makes the moral values that exist in society becomes less and less. Intercourse became increasingly free, so breaking the boundaries of normal values and religion. Sexual intercourse should only be done in marriage bond was considered normal in dating status. Intercourse teen create a separate concern to parents because very often they often fall into misleading actions as recently reported in many media that have been developed massa. Teenagers sexual maturity, if not get guidance from teachers or parents, will be easily trapped the problem. The problems referred to in this case can occur especially if the teenager can not control their sexual behavior. As a result of adolescents tend to have sex outside of marriage, free sex, abortion for young women, and rape action. In this case we will discuss about abortion. The definition of abortion is an act of termination of pregnancy before the fetus can survive outside the womb (before the age of 20 weeks of pregnancy), not merely to save lives of pregnant women in emergency situations but also because the mother did not want the pregnancy. There are two kinds of abortion, spontaneous abortion where the abortion occurs naturally, without the intervention of medical action, and abortion is planned where the medical action with drugs alone (herbs, etc.) or surgery, or other actions that cause vaginal bleeding. Termination of pregnancy at the age where the fetus is able to live independently outside the mother's womb (more than 21 weeks gestational age), rather than abortion, but killing the fetus or infanticide. Sex outside of marriage brings considerable negative impact on self-actors and the neighborhood. Starting from the possibility of contracting the disease, until the pregnancy is beyond marry. The effect also on the high abortion rate. However the act of abortion, also has a very high risk to the safety of the women themselves. Here is the risk that occurs when an abortion, especially teenagers:

1. Death from too much bleeding 2. Sudden death due to anesthesia failed 3. A slow death due to a serious infection around the womb. 4. Uterine Perforation 5. Damage to the cervix (Cervical Lacerations) 6. Breast cancer (due to hormonal imbalance of estrogen in women) 7. Ovarian cancer 8. Cervical cancer 9. Cancer of the liver (Liver Cancer) 10. Abnormalities in the placenta 11. Pelvic infection (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) 12. Become sterile / no longer able to have offspring (Ectopic Pregnancy) 13. Infection of the lining of the uterus (endometriosis) And I think in the case of abortion there is no positive impact in it. The conclution of abortion is no positive impact because there are so many negative impact for our life.Like my explanation that I have told.

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