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Madeline Tate Mr.

Neuburger English 102- 102 29 June 2012 Response paper Edith Coliver Just as many others Edith Coliver was a survivor of the holocaust. This individual just as other survivors experienced a great deal of events throughout her lifetime. It has been said that one will bear no more than they can handle. Ms. Coliver was born on July 26th 1922 to a banker and a nurse in Karlsruhe Germany. Her mother and father met at a very young age, followed by her father leaving off for war. So many times her mother tried to marry her father when he would refuse because he held the belief that a couple should not be wed until the man was able to support the wife and a family. Many of Ediths earliest memories included that of when she would play with friends. She enjoyed many hobbies such as crafts, poetry and sports. She was a member of the League of German Jews, a sports team. After Hitler came to power she was kicked out of the public school system in her hometown because she was in the Jewish classification. Her family moved out of their hometown making way to the state of New York to escape the raft of Hitler and his army. Edith left behind many good friends that she lost contact with. On the other hand with the move to the United States Edith was able to get a good education. The experiences that she had lived through created this sense of passion for Edith. She used her story to help others, inform the unknowing and to inform the misinformed. With the education she received in the United States and her German background combined it created a sense of want for Edith, to gain a better understanding of the German war for herself. Edith

translated trials on the topic of the German war. Throughout her journey she had met many people, all of different religious and ethnic backgrounds. With this Edith had a great respect for all kinds of people. Word Count: 356 Quotes: I felt ashamed to be German C. O. L. I. V for Victory. E. R

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