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La Fiesta del Inti Raymi sinnimo de fiesta de Sol o Pascua Solemne de Sol, implica grandeza; es la manifestacin del Runa-Hombre

en accin de gracias al dios Sol por su bondad con la naturaleza. Est relacionada con el solsticio de verano y coincide con la poca de la maduracin de los productos. El Inti Raymi es conocido tambin como la fiesta de la 'segunda abundancia'. Esta Fiesta es parte del calendario astronmico de los pueblos indgenas y coincide especialmente con la maduracin del maz. Se hacen Rituales, baos de purificacin, danzas, msica ancestral y una abundante gastronoma, forman parte de la fiesta del Inti Raymi, que inicia en pueblos y comunidades indgenas de la regin andina del Ecuador.

The Inti Raymi festival synonymous with Easter Solemn Sun or Sun, implies greatness is the manifestation of Rune-Man in thanksgiving to the Sun God for His goodness and nature. It is related to the summer solstice and coincided with the period of maturation of the products. The Inti Raymi is also known as the Feast of the 'second abundance'. This festival is part of the astronomical calendar of indigenous peoples and especially coincides with the maturation of corn. Are rituals, purification baths, dance, music and a wealth of ancient cuisine, are part of the Inti Raymi, which begins on indigenous peoples and communities of the Andean region of Ecuador.
The Inti Raymi festival synonymous with Easter Solemn Sun or Sun, implies greatness is the manifestation of Rune-Man in thanksgiving to the Sun God for His goodness and nature. It is related to the summer solstice and coincided with the period of maturation of the products. The Inti Raymi is also known as the Feast of the 'second abundance'. This festival is part of the astronomical calendar of indigenous peoples and especially coincides with the maturation of corn. Are rituals, purification baths, dance, music and a wealth of ancient cuisine, are part of the Inti Raymi, which begins on indigenous peoples and communities of the Andean region of Ecuador.

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