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TCP/IP Invisible Userland Unix Backdoor with Reverse Shell

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# Author: D3V/0
# Exploit Title: TCP/IP Invisible Userland Unix Backdoor with Reverse Shell
# Date: 06-30-2012
# Version: 0.0.1
# Category: platform
# Tested on: unix
# Contact:
# Website: milw0rm / Inj3ct0r Exploit DataBase
this is an advanced and invisible unix userland backdoor based on tcp/ip. the
server waits for magic packets by sniffing. if a magic packet arrives, it
will bind a shell over tcp or udp on the given port. the client can then send
further magic packets to get a reverse-shell.
this backdoor is fully written in c.
you can download the backdoor here:
do "make linux", if you want to build the backdoor for linux systems. if you
just type "make", you will see a list of all supported and tested unix
once it's compiled, put the "ubdd" executable on your victims' machine and
start it with root. (you can infect the machine with the backdoor via a
rootkit or a hack)
now start "un1xb4ckd00r" on your machine. use the "-H" argument to find out
what to do.
if done right, you will have a reverse shell to your victims' machine with
full root access.
for more information consult the README file.

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