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Lab 2 October 4, 2011 Evelyn Miles

The article assigned for our interpretation was in regards to the predation of Burmese pythons to birds in the Florida Everglades. The scientist was writing to show the ecological impact that a nonnative species of snake has on the bird environment when the native birds have no way to evolve in as quick of a manor the snake population has raised. The scientist were very concise in representing their findings through the methods used, the results found, and the length of time the study was conducted. Anytime biodiversity is in danger, research must be conducted. Because people choose to be irresponsible with an exotic pet, it has dramatic effects on the food web. The Burmese Python is eating native birds into extinction and this disrupts the normal ecological food chain. The scientist believed that the dietary habits of invasive pythons are broad and represent a threat to the native birds and diverse habitat that this breed of snake is capable of inhabiting. In proving this, the scientist collected 343 pythons over 5 years time. They then examined stomach contents and identified bird species and families by feather and bone recognition. 85 of the pythons were found to have bird remains in the gut. They were very concise in reporting the facts. Not only were the methods written clearly, but the table provided showed exactly which snake at what bird and how many birds. It is my opinion that the research supports the idea that Burmese pythons are a threat to the native species of birds. Especially ground dwelling birds and their eggs. People who choose to purchase an exotic pet need to be aware of the total responsibility of taking a wild animal into their home. Research the animal to see the exact care that is needed and the accommodations required giving the animal a good home. If a purchase is made and a person has a change of heart, then giving the animal a proper home with a new owner is the best choice for our environment.

Works Cited Dove et al, (2010) found that Burmese pythons are eating native birds and causing detrimental effect on the Everglades biodiversity.

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