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Home who-the-bleep-is-jtk The Mission LogBook SpaceBook ScienceBook UfoBook LinkBook WARP

Captain James Tiberius Kirk is my alter ego or avatar... he is born trough an idea and the need to adapt to the new medias and forms of expressions... to reach an audience with philosophical, artistical statements and thoughts about the things happening day for day... we are part of a big change into a new world and a new view of our universe...increasing the frequency of the whole planet and its inhabitants... to understand this change and to join, it is necesary for every one of us to help the humanity to go along with the change... therefore the most important thing is to educate and share all available information without spreading panic... I have choosen Kirk deliberately as he stands for a pragmatic, analytical, cosmological and sometimes humorous approach to the challenges of our time...he will research the available info...process it with his crew and pass it on... how would Kirk act and react as an experienced traveler in space and as a responsible Captainand how he would he run his ship through these turbulent times .. well ... first of all he needs a good, dedicated, competent team ... and here is the use of facebook ... I try as Kirk to put together a crew of people,that would be able to navigate Spaceship Earth , which means to bring together a group of people , by their actions and their Knowledge, to contribute to the rise of mankind and people who are waking up, willing to open to new concepts of life and faith and not to the outdated systems and their manipulative media... I'm sure aboard our spaceship you will have much joy ... and your contributions to the journey will be very helpful ... I would be happy to take you on the adventurous journey through distant galaxies and times ... please understand that my identity is not part of this art-project ... as i want kirk to be detached from my person and develope his own virtual personality...

live long and prosper

- KIRK -



Captain James Tiberius Kirk ist mein Alter ego oder Avatar... Er ist geboren worden, aus einer Idee und der Notwendigkeit, als moderner Knstler sich den neuen Medien und Ausdrucksformen anzupassen... um mit philosophischen, knstlerischen Aussagen zum Zeitgeschehen das Publikum zu erreichen , reicht es heute nicht mehr, einfach nur eine Leinwand zu bemalen und dem Bild einen bedeutungsschweren Titel zu geben... wir befinden uns in einer Zeit des Wandels in eine neue Welt und Universums-Sicht und einer Frequenzerhhung der gesamten diesen Wandel zu verstehen und ihn auch mitmachen zu knnen, sollte wenn mglich, jeder einzelne dazu beitragen, den Wandel zu frdern. durch Aufklrung und das teilen von wesentlichen, fr den aufstieg wichtigen Informationen... Mein Avatar ist bewusst gewhlt ... Kirk steht fr eine pragmatische,analytische,kosmologische Herangehensweise an die Herausforderungen unserer Zeit... die auf uns einstrmenden Informationen zusammen zu tragen, und durch die Sichtweise des Kirk betrachtet, aufzubereiten und weiter zu geben... Wie sieht der Kapitn der Enterprise als Weltraumerfahrener Universumsbrger das ganze Geschehen...wie interpretiert er das ganze fr seine Entscheidungen als Raumschiffs-komandant u.s.w. wie handelt er und wie fhrt er sein Schiff durch die turbulenten Zeiten... nun...zu allererst braucht er erstmal eine gute,engagierte, kompetente Mannschaft... und da kommt Facebook ins Spiel... ich versuche durch die Kunst-Person des Kaptain Kirks , eine Mannschaft zusammen zu stellen, die in der Lage wre, das Raumschiff Erde und seine Besatzung, durch die Wirren der Zeit und des Raums zu navigieren... das bedeutet, ich versuche eine Gruppe von Menschen zusammen zu bringen, die durch ihr Handeln und ihr Wissen, zum Aufstieg der Menschheit aktiv beitragen knnen... und Menschen die aufgewacht sind,bereit sind sind sich auf neue Lebens-und Glaubens Konzepte einzulassen und nicht mehr den berholten Systemen und deren manipulativen Medien zu vertrauen ... bitte habe Verstndniss ,dass ich meine Identitt nicht preisgebe...das gehrt zum zu einer, von meiner Person losgelsten , eigenstndischen, virtuellen Persnlichkeit des Kaptain Kirk zu gelangen...

Live long and prosper - Kirk -



James T. Kirk

7 com m ents Harald Konz

w ell, maybe im from the next generation ;-) ...but i w ant to apply as trainee under the w ings of Counselor Dean Captain, do you see any chance for me ??? if YES, ...just "BEEM ME UP pleeease" :-) , Reply 3 Like October 27, 2011 at 11:56am Jam es T. Kirk For trainees in Space visit sector Spacebook : Reply 1 Like October 27, 2011 at 12:06pm

Jam es T. Kirk Enable sound for better w arps - KIRK Reply Maha Kali communication and creativity! endlich eine umsetzung :)
Captain James T Kirk, age 64. .

1 Like October 27, 2011 at 12:08pm


1 Like March 19 at 12:48pm

Full Name: Known aliases: Species: Gender: Height: Weight: Eye color: Hair color: Birthplace: Born: Temporal Displacement: Affiliation: Mother: Father: Sibling(s): Marital Status: Spouse(s):

James Tiberius Kirk Kirok, Sam Jameson Human male 5'10" 170 lbs. hazel brown (graying) Riverside, Iowa, Earth 22 March 2233 Nexus displacement (2293-2371) Federation Starfleet Family Winona Kirk George Kirk George Samuel Kirk widowed
Dasty Daikini

FANTASTISCH, WUNDERBAR...w as fr ein GRANDIOSER FLUG...FREUDE, FREUDE, FREUDE...ALLEin Sind Wir e Gemeinsam ein Gedicht...ich sende ALLEn STERNEN-Geschw istern GRENZENLOSE Flge...In LIEBE Dasty. Reply 1 Like June 7 at 1:48pm View 4 more
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Miramanee, Lori Ciana,Teilani (all deceased) David Children: Marcus (deceased),Joseph Kirk (deceased) Tiberius Kirk (paternal grandfather); James(maternal grandfather;Aurelan Other Kirk (sister-in-law, relatives: deceased); Peter Kirk,Alexander Kirk, Julius Kirk(nephews); Henry (uncle, deceased) Career Occupation: officer Previous CO, USS Enterprise-A Assignment: Assignment: CO, Belle Reve Rank: captain


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James T Kirk, age 15. .

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Table Of Contents


Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents ............................................................................................................................... 1 ............................................................................................................................................................ 2
TESTIMONIALS ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 HOW TO USE THE "SPACE & TIME - TRAVELLERSGUIDE TO THE GALAXY" BY JIM TIBERIUS K. ...................... 10 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Do You still Google, or started searching yet ??? ........................................................................................................... 11 " JIM TIBERIUS K .LOGBOOK (Part 1) " ........................................................................................................................ 12 PRE RELEASE OF THE : JIM TIBERIUS K. LOGBOOK (Part1) ................................................................................... 13 Jim Tiberius K. Logbook - The Space & Time - Travellers Guide to the Galaxy by Jim Tiberius K. ............................... 13 "JIM TIBERIUS K. LOGBOOK " : The SPACE & TIME - TRAVELLERS Guide to the Galaxy by Jim Tiberius K. .......... 14 GOOGLEST DU NOCH, ODER SUCHST DU SCHON ?! .............................................................................................. 15 VW & CHEMTRAILS + FACEBOOK ............................................................................................................................... 15 iBrain ............................................................................................................................................................................... 16 12.5.2012 GLOBAL EVOLUTION DAY ........................................................................................................................... 17 Five Leadership-Lessons From James T. Kirk ................................................................................................................ 17 Ceci n'est pas une dmocratie ........................................................................................................................................ 20 OCCUPY OR UNITE ....................................................................................................................................................... 20 30 Jahre PC oder die Utopien des Gene Roddenberry .................................................................................................. 21 Just cruisin' Speed .......................................................................................................................................................... 22 SUNSPOTS AND SUNFLARES CAUSE STOCKMARKET TO PLUNGE ...................................................................... 23
BRSE ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24

Moneytower of $114,500,000,000,000.-US Dollar .......................................................................................................... INCARNATION CONTRACT ........................................................................................................................................... INKARNATIONSVERTRAG ............................................................................................................................................ The ENTERPRISE Theme Song .................................................................................................................................... ATTENTION : NO HOAX !!! SMOKING ALIEN CROPCIRCLE VIRUS .......................................................................... The TROUBLE with the (TRIBBLES) DOLLARs ............................................................................................................ Tags ................................................................................................................................................................................. Recent Posts ................................................................................................................................................................... Categories ....................................................................................................................................................................... Blog Archive ....................................................................................................................................................................

25 27 27 28 29 30 31 32 32 32


Home who-the-bleep-is-jtk The Mission LogBook SpaceBook ScienceBook UfoBook LinkBook WARP

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Steven Prskalo 51 years old Help us Mr. Wizard~Mr. Wizard complied, w ith his magical chant: "Drizzle, Drazzle, Druzzle, Drome, time for this one to come home!" Reply 1 Like March 2 at 11:38am

Markus Linner HERE I`M TO CALCULATE RISC DOWN TO ZERO. MR.SPOCK Reply 1 Like October 27, 2011 at 3:17am

Tom Gunstar Works at 6te mai BEAM ME SCOTTY: NOW Reply 1 Like February 28 at 3:32pm Top Commenter

Cassandra Winston-Rodney :D Reply

1 Like June 18 at 2:47pm View 1 more

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June 30, 2012



SPOCK " Illogical, but really helpful when You want to understand the science of bla,bla,bla "

ZAPHOD BEEBLEBROX " WOW! Is this gonna happen every time we hit that button? "


H.G. WELLS " I did not know before ... about the OOps - Effect, when travelling through Time- L OOP s "

DR. MOSES NEBOGIPFEL " You didn' t tell me before...about the OOps - Effect, when travelling through Time- L OOP s "



THE KING " The Human Adventure is just beginning !!! " DOUGLAS ADAMS commenting on another Book : "Nevertheless, a wholly remarkable book. In fact it was probably the most remarkable book ever to come out of the great publishing houses of Ursa Minor { of which no Earthman had ever heard either. Not only is it a wholly remarkable book, it is also a highly successful one { more popular than the Celestial Home Care Omnibus, better selling than Fifty More Things to do in Zero Gravity, and more controversial than Oolon Colluphid's trilogy of philosophical blockbusters Where God Went Wrong, Some More of God's Greatest Mistakes and Who is this God Person Anyway? In many of the more relaxed civilizations on the Outer Eastern Rim of the Galaxy, the Hitchhiker's Guide has already supplanted the great Encyclopedia Galactica as the standard repository of all knowledge and wisdom, for though 2 it has many omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate, it scores over the older, more pedestrian work in two important respects. First, it is slightly cheaper; and secondly it has the words Don't Panic inscribed in large friendly letters on its cover."


THE VOGON POET MASTER GRUNTHOS the FLATULENT " An amazing piece of " L" poetry " HAN SOLO " I never had time to read it, but it served good as a wedge under my Multi-Functional Navigation-Automatic-Terminal " THE KLINGONS " When You come to Alpha Quadrant, we show You, what you can do with this Book !!! " GENE RODDENBERRY " This is exactly, what I had in mind, when I created the Computer-Logbook... "

FORBES MAGAZINE " Never, ever leave Your Galaxy without "the Space & Time-Travellers Guide "


TRAVEL MAGAZINE " Makes our Magazine look pretty much down to Earth; we say : SPACED OUT !!! "

FAB MAGAZINE " Tune in Turn on drop out and read " The Space & Time-Travellers Guide to the Galaxy "


" What people should know ... "


PLAYBOY MAGAZINE " The best read for long Distance Travelling ... besides Playboy ... "

GAMMA RAY AIRLINES " This is the most unreliable und inaccurate Manual for Space & Time- Travelling " Our pilots have to use it now instead of the most unreliable Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy


FAIR AND CONGRESS FOR QUANTUM COMMUNICATION " It's there, even you close the Refrigerator's Door "

MARVIN " As if anybody would really ask for my opinion " MICHAEL J. FOX " I always have the "GUIDE" in my Emergency-Kit...helped me in 1885, 2015, 1985, 1989, 1990, 2079, and today"

THE TERMINATOR " I HAVE THE EXTRA " L " " SIGOURNEY WEAVER " The Space & Time-Travellers GUIDE to the Galaxy once saved my Life, I smacked a moscito with it NEIL ARMSTRONG " The N.A.S.A wanted to keep it secret " C 3PO " Tweet..didi.did..tweek twiki teaks " TERRY GILLIAM " The Space & Time-Travellers Guide to the Galaxy, was my favorite source for Timebandits"


THOMAS ANDERSON " The Guide is my Bible " Posted by J.T.K..

June 28, 2012


There is a common Theory ( scientificly not proofed yet ) , that the enormous Success of " The Space & Time-Travellers Guide to the Galaxy" is mainly through the fact of a misspelling...another common Theory ( scientiticly not proved yet ) sais, that the first Theory is bullshit ...




Posted by JIM TIBERIUS K.. Posted In : "JIM TIBERIUS K. LOGBOOK " : The SPACE & TIME - TRAVELLERS Guide to the Galaxy by Jim Tiberius K.

Do You still Google, or started searching yet ???

June 23, 2012

GOOGLEST DU NOCH,ODER SUCHST DU SCHON ??? And here we go: If you look for a pictures source: Looking for content that went offline? A metasearchengine: The searchengine of all searchengines: Anonymous searchengine that does not collect your userdata: A different metasearchengine: Searchengine for text: Scientifical searchengine: Searchengine for web-copies and plagiarism: Anonymous searchengine: PDF and E-BOOK searchengine: Dictionary in picture and text:

Videosearchengine on 35 Video-platforms: The coolest 3D searchengine: Visual searchengine of a different kind: 3d window searchengine: 3D video searchengine with a cool videowall: Our favourite to search videos and pictures:

Posted by J.T.K..


June 18, 2012

STARDATE -310536.432433971 --- JIM TIBERIUS K. BIRTHDAYPARTY and celebration of the Pre - Release of : " JIM TIBERIUS K .LOGBOOK (Part 1) " An Interactive Space-& Time- Travellers Guide to the GALAXY

Posted by J.T.K..


June 18, 2012

STARDATE : -310536.6524362478 Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. It's five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where someone has been before... cOmPuTeRlOg : EnTrY Today is the Pre Release of the Jim Tiberius K. Logbook A Space & Timetravellers guide to the galaxy ... enjoy the read ... LIVE LONG AND PROSPER - KIRK -

Posted by J.T.K..

Jim Tiberius K. Logbook - The Space & Time - Travellers Guide to the Galaxy by Jim Tiberius K.
June 15, 2012

The Interactive E-Book : Jim Tiberius K. LOGBOOK The SPACE & TIME - TRAVELLERS Guide to the Galaxy by Jim Tiberius K.


Posted by J.T.K.. Posted In : JIM TIBERIUS K. LOGBOOK

"JIM TIBERIUS K. LOGBOOK " : The SPACE & TIME - TRAVELLERS Guide to the Galaxy by Jim Tiberius K.
June 14, 2012

Now ONLINE : The PREVIEW of the interactive E-Book :

The SPACE & TIME - TRAVELLERS Guide to the Galaxy by Jim Tiberius K. Will be published on the 18.06.012

Posted by J.T.K.. Posted In : "JIM TIBERIUS K. LOGBOOK " : The SPACE & TIME - TRAVELLERS Guide to the Galaxy by Jim Tiberius K.


June 13, 2012

Posted by J.T.K.. Posted In : googlest du noch, oder suchst du schon ?!



June 4, 2012

VW hat ( gewollt oder ungewollt ) mit diesem Foto eine grssere Kommentar - Diskussion zum Thema " Chemtrails " angeregt ... Es entstand eine umfangreiche ( weiter wachsende ) Sammlung an Videos / Links und Meinungen, die ziemlich reprsentativ den Stand der Informationen und der Haltung der Bevlkerung zu diesem Thema zeigen ... ... Beschimpfungen und Halbwahrheiten liegen nur wenige Zeilen neben wissenschaftlichen Fakten ... ... Verschwrung und Genozid liegen nur wenige Zeilen neben "tolle Felgen" und "geile rote Farbe" ... ... Wachrtteln neben kompletter Ignoranz ... ... Weltanschauungs - Theoretiker neben Tuningfans ... ... Irrsinn neben Wahnsinn ... ... Aufklrer neben Verklrern ... 86476.251242928235799&type=1&theater Posted by J.T.K..

May 5, 2012

Posted by JTK.



March 28, 2012

Posted by JTK.

Five Leadership-Lessons From James T. Kirk

March 14, 2012

I could not have explained it better !!! Thanks to Alex Knapp from Forbes magazine Captain James T. Kirk is one of the most famous Captains in the history of Starfleet. Theres a good reason for that. He saved the planet Earth several times, stopped the Doomsday Machine, helped negotiate peace with the Klingon Empire, kept the balance of power between the Federation and the Romulan Empire, and even managed to fight Nazis. On his five-year mission commanding the U.S.S. Enterprise, as well as subsequent commands, James T. Kirk was a quintessential leader, who led his crew into the unknown and continued to succeed time and time again. Kirks success was no fluke, either. His style of command demonstrates a keen understanding of leadership and how to maintain a team that succeeds time and time again, regardless of the dangers faced. Here are five of the key leadership lessons that you can take away from Captain Kirk as you pilot your own organization into unknown futures. 1. Never Stop Learning You know the greatest danger facing us is ourselves, an

irrational fear of the unknown. But theres no such thing as the unknown only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood. Captain Kirk may have a reputation as a suave ladies man, but dont let that exterior cool fool you. Kirks reputation at the Academy was that of a walking stack of books, in the words of his former first officer, Gary Mitchell. And a passion for (Image via Wikipedia) learning helped him through several missions. Perhaps the best demonstration of this is in the episode Arena, where Kirk is forced to fight a Gorn Captain in single combat by advanced beings. Using his own knowledge and materials at hand, Kirk is able to build a rudimentary shotgun, which he uses to defeat the Gorn. If you think about it, theres no need for a 23rd Century Starship Captain to know how to mix and prepare gunpowder if the occasion called for it. After all, Starfleet officers fight with phasers and photon torpedoes. To them, gunpowder is obsolete. But the same drive for knowledge that drove Kirk to the stars also caused him to learn that bit of information, and it paid off several years later. In the same way, no matter what your organization does, it helps to never stop learning. The more knowledge you have, the more creative you can be. The more youre able to do, the more solutions you have for problems at your disposal. Sure, you might never have to face down a reptilian alien on a desert planet, but you never know what the future holds. Knowledge is your best key to overcoming whatever obstacles are in your way. 2. Have Advisors With Different Worldviews One of the advantages of being a captain, Doctor, is being able to ask for advice without necessarily having to take it. Kirks closest two advisors are Commander Spock, a Vulcan committed to a philosophy of logic, and Dr. Leonard McCoy, a human driven by compassion and scientific curiosity. Both Spock and McCoy are frequently at odds with each other, recommended different courses of action and bringing very different types of arguments to bear in defense of those points of view. Kirk sometimes goes with one, or the other, or sometimes takes their advice as a springboard to developing an entirely different course of action. However, the very fact that Kirk has advisors who have a different worldview not only from each other, but also from himself, is a clear demonstration of Kirks confidence in himself as a leader. Weak leaders surround themselves with yes men who are afraid to argue with them. That fosters an organizational culture that stifles creativity and innovation, and leaves members of the organization afraid to speak up. That can leave the organization unable to solve problems or change course. Historically, this has led to some serious disasters, such as Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace . Organizations that allow for differences of opinion are better at developing innovation, better at solving problems, and better at avoiding groupthink. We all need a McCoy and a Spock in our lives and organizations. 3. Be Part Of The Away Team Risk is our business. Thats what this starship is all about. Thats why were aboard her. Whenever an interesting or challenging mission came up, Kirk was always willing to put himself in harms way by joining the Away Team. With his boots on the ground, he was always able to make quick assessments of the situation, leading to superior results. At least, superior for everyone with a name and not wearing a red shirt. Kirk was very much a hands-on leader, leading the vanguard of his crew as they explored interesting and dangerous situations. When youre in a leadership role, its sometimes easy to let yourself get away from leading Away Team

missions. After all, with leadership comes perks, right? You get the nice office on the higher floor. You finally get an assistant to help you with day to day activities, and your days are filled with meetings and decisions to be made, And many of these things are absolutely necessary. But its sometimes easy to trap yourself in the corner office and forget what life is like on the front lines. When you lose that perspective, its that much harder to understand what your team is doing, and the best way to get out of the problem. Whats more, when youre not involved with your team, its easy to lose their trust and have them gripe about how they dont understand what the job is like. This is a lesson that was actually imprinted on me in one of my first jobs, making pizzas for a franchise that doesnt exist anymore. Our general manager spent a lot of time in his office, focused on the paperwork and making sure that we could stay afloat on the razor-thin margins we were running. But one thing he made sure to do, every day, was to come out during peak times and help make pizza. He didnt have to do that, but he did. The fact that he did so made me like him a lot more. It also meant that I trusted his decisions a lot more. In much the same way, Im sure, as Kirks crew trusted his decisions, because he knew the risks of command personally. 4. Play Poker, Not Chess Not chess, Mr. Spock. Poker. Do you know the game? In one of my all-time favorite Star Trek episodes, Kirk and his crew face down an unknown vessel from a group calling themselves the First Federation. Threats from the vessel escalate until it seems that the destruction of the Enterprise is imminent. Kirk asks Spock for options, who replies that theEnterprise has been playing a game of chess, and now there are no winning moves left. Kirk counters that they shouldnt play chess they should play poker. He then bluffs the ship by telling them that the Enterprise has a substance in its hull called corbomite which will reflect the energy of any weapon back against an attacker. This begins a series of actions that enables the Enterprise crew to establish peaceful relations with the First Federation. I love chess as much as the next geek, but chess is often taken too seriously as a metaphor for leadership strategy. For all of its intricacies, chess is a game of defined rules that can be mathematically determined. Its ultimately a game of boxes and limitations. A far better analogy to strategy is poker, not chess. Life is a game of probabilities, not defined rules. And often understanding your opponents is a much greater advantage than the cards you have in your hand. It was knowledge of his opponent that allowed Kirk to defeat Khan in Star Trek II by exploiting Khans two-dimensional thinking. Bluffs, tells, and bets are all a big part of real-life strategy. Playing that strategy with an eye to the psychology of our competitors, not just the rules and circumstances of the game can often lead to better outcomes than following the rigid lines of chess. 5. Blow up the Enterprise All I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by. You could feel the wind at your back in those days. The sounds of the sea beneath you, and even if you take away the wind and the water its still the same. The ship is yours. You can feel her. And the stars are still there, Bones. One recurring theme in the original Star Trek series is that Kirks first love is the Enterprise. That love kept him from succumbing to the mind-controlling spores in This Side of Paradise, and its hinted that his love for the ship kept him from forming any real relationships or starting a family. Despite that love, though, there came a point in Star Trek III: The Search For Spock , where Captain Kirk made a decision that must have pained him enormously in order to defeat the Klingons attacking him and save his crew, James Kirk destroyed the Enterprise. The occasion, in the film, was treated with the solemnity of a funeral, which no doubt matched Kirks mood. The film ends with the crew returning to Vulcan on a stolen Klingon vessel, rather than theEnterprise. But they returned victorious. We are often, in our roles as leaders, driven by a passion. It might be a product or service, it might be a way of doing things. But no matter how much that passion burns within us, the reality is that times change. Different products are created. Different ways of doing things are developed. And there will

come times in your life when that passion isnt viable anymore. A time when it no longer makes sense to pursue your passion. When that happens, no matter how painful it is, you need to blow up the Enterprise. That is, change what isnt working and embark on a new path, even if that means having to live in a Klingon ship for awhile. Final Takeaway: In his many years of service to the Federation, James Kirk embodied several leadership lessons that we can use in our own lives. We need to keep exploring and learning. We need to ensure that we encourage creativity and innovation by listening to the advice of people with vastly different opinions. We need to occasionally get down in the trenches with the members of our teams so we understand their needs and earn their trust and loyalty. We need to understand the psychology of our competitors and also learn to radically change course when circumstances dictate. By following these lessons, we can lead our organizations into places where none have gone before. Posted by JTK. Posted In : miscellaneous

Ceci n'est pas une dmocratie

November 22, 2011

Posted by J.T.K..


October 28, 2011
Ich finde es sollte w irklich die energetische Bedeutung der Worte auf der feinstofflichen Ebene bercksichtigt w erden -- Mein Interesse an Sprachen, und den Unterschieden in der Bedeutung der Worte, in den verschiedenen Sprachen, lsst dieses Thema fr mich gerade w ichtig erscheinen - und die Kommentare hier zeigen klar, dass es anderen auch so geht - Die Synonyme des Wortes OCCUPY in Englisch, sind nicht gerade das, w as fr diese so w ichtige w eltw eite soziologische humane Entw icklung stehen sollte - ( absorb, amuse, attend, be active w ith, be concerned w ith, busy, divert, employ, engage, engross, entertain, fill, hold attention, immerse, interest, involve, keep busy, monopolize, preoccupy, soak, take up, tie up, utilize) - Google bersetzt w ie folgt : ( absorbieren, zu amsieren, zu besuchen, w erden aktiv mit, mit, besetzt betroffen sein, abzulenken, zu beschftigen, engagieren, vertiefen, zu unterhalten, zu fllen, halten die Aufmerksamkeit, tauchen, Zinsen beinhalten, zu beschftigen, zu monopolisieren, beschftigen, genieen, nehmen, Kraw atte up, nutzen) - faszinierend und durchaus aufschlussreich - Die Synonyme fr UNITE bersetzt Google w ie folgt : Verbndeten, zu verschmelzen, verbinden, Band, Band zusammen, eins, verschmelzen, Reihen schlieen, vermischen, stimmen, Confederate, verbinden, anschlieen, zu konsolidieren, zu kooperieren, Paar verkrpern, Sicherung, versammeln, hngen zusammen w erden , hrten, Haken mit, integrieren, verflechten, verbinden, mit vereinten Krften, zusammen zu halten, Liga, Link, heiraten, gerecht zu w erden, fusionieren, mischen, Pool, einem Strang ziehen, beziehen, bleiben zusammen, halten zusammen, zu strken, w erfen in mit, vereinheitlichen,) Es ist ein natrliches bestreben des menschlichen Wesens, sich in eine soziologische Form zu organisieren, die sich mit einem ritualisierten, grafischen Symbol und einem Wiedererkennungs-w ert dieses Symbols nach aussen darstellt oder ausdrckt - Daher sollte dieses Symbol/Wort ( falls man denn eins braucht ) mit seiner Bedeutung auch ausdrcken und untersttzen, w orum es geht in diesem sozialen Gefge - ( Ansichten,Einstellungen,Zielsetzungen ) Ich persnliche finde da im sprachlichen und symbolischen Aspekt der gesamten Thematik durchaus noch Entw icklungsbedarf und Potential - Dank Internet geht sow as ja perfekt im zeitnahen Austausch Es sollte auf gar keinen Fall eine Entw icklung geben, w ie w ir sie schon kennen aus: http://w w w atch?v=gb_qHP7VaZE - KIRK - P .S.: die Trennung in 99% und 1 % halte auch ich fr w enig hilfreich

Posted by J.T.K..

30 Jahre PC oder die Utopien des Gene Roddenberry

August 25, 2011
Star Trek beschreibt eine utopische Zukunft, in der die Menschheit enorme soziale und technische Fortschritte erzielt hat. Erzhlt w erden die Geschichten von Schiffsmannschaften und Mitreisenden auf Raumschiffen und -stationen der militrischen und w issenschaftlichen Sternenflotte. Von besonderer Bedeutung ist die Errungenschaft des Warp-Antriebs, der die quasi-berlichtschnelle interstellare Raumfahrt und somit den Kontakt zu extraterrestrischen Spezies berhaupt erst ermglicht. Darber hinaus hat die Menschheit die meisten der heutigen Probleme, w ie etw a soziale Ungleichheit, Rassismus, Intoleranz, Armut und Krieg, berw unden. Auch Kapitalismus und Geldfunktion existieren nicht mehr. Die Menschheit ist zu einer globalen Einheit herangew achsen und besiedelt ber die Erde hinaus w eitere Planeten. Dabei verfolgt sie das Prinzip der friedlichen Koexistenz mit anderen Lebensformen. In diesem Sinne schloss sie sich mit einer Vielzahl w eiterer Spezies zur 2161 gegrndeten Vereinigten Fderation der Planeten zusammen. Obw ohl mit der Sternenflotte eine militrische Organisation herausgebildet w urde, gilt die friedliche Erforschung fremder Welten und Zivilisationen als Leitmotiv. Die Menschheit und die Fderation w erden jedoch von anderen Spezies, die zumeist imperialistische Motive verfolgen, als Konkurrenz w ahrgenommen, w as zu neuen Kriegen fhrt. Der Star-Trek-Schpfer Gene Roddenberry w ar ein leidenschaftlicher Frsprecher egalitrer Politik und benutzte die Serien hufig, um seine Vision einer auf diesen Prinzipien basierenden zuknftigen Gesellschaft zu vermitteln. Die Idee zu einer Science-Fiction-Serie hatte er in den frhen 1960er Jahren. Die grundstzliche Idee w ar, eine Serie in einer positiven Zukunft spielen zu lassen eine Bemerkung, die im Zusammenhang mit dem Kalten Krieg, der vorangegangenen Kubakrise und einem zu dieser Zeit realistischerw eise zu befrchtenden Atomkrieg zu verstehen ist.

Die Liste der Erungenschaften die aus der Geschichte Roddenberrys in unseren Alltag eingeflossen sind ist lang. Gerade heute zum 30 sten Jahrestag des PCs sollten w ir mal zurckschauen, w elche technischen und politischen/sozialen Errungenschaften vor 30 jahren in den Original Series als Science Fiction belchelt w urden - vieles davon ist von der Realitt schon berholt. Und trotzdem ist der Grossteil der Menschen immer noch berzeugt, w ir w ren alleine im Universum - in dieser kleinen Galaxy irgenw o so in der Ecke Andromeda oder so - KIRK -


Posted by J.T.K.. Posted In : miscellaneous

Just cruisin' Speed

August 25, 2011
Warp Factor 3 is equivalent to 39 times C (the speed of light), or about 11691906 kilometers per second. At the speed you have entered, it w ould take: 25.659 minutes to cross the Sol System (Earth's home system is 0.0019 lightyears across w hen you include the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud), 224.769 hours to cross one lightyear (9.46 trillion kilometers), 40.271 days to travel from Earth to it's nearest neighbor (Alpha Centauri is 4.3 lightyears from Earth), 187.308 days to traverse one sector (20 lightyears), 205.128 years to cross the Federation (8,000 lightyears), 2564.103 years to traverse the Milky Way galaxy (100,000 lightyears), 51282.051 years to reach the Andromeda galaxy (2,000,000 lightyears).


Posted by J.T.K..


August 4, 2011



Duk ascopy Bank

Duk ascopy Bank




Posted by J.T.K..

Moneytower of $114,500,000,000,000.-US Dollar

August 2, 2011


10 Tons relief Food for Somalia in comparison to the M oneytower of $114,500,000,000,000. - US unfunded liabilities We need Spock to do the M ath : Billions - Trillions - Zillions - ??? WTF ??
How can anybody expect, that this currency will work forever, when its not even counted in the same system

How much does a million 1 dollar bills weigh? The short answer is about 2200 pounds = 997 kg, or quite a Ton !! I guess that would make it impossible to carry around $1 million in singles...well I suppose if you used a pickup truck...but I guess it would be much better, to use $100 bills, as that would cut it down to only 22 pounds = 10 kg

Long and short scales - Wikipedia, the free

Posted by J.T.K..

August 2, 2011

Incarnation Contract
- It is helpful, to think separately about each sentence 1) You receive a body. This body is new and unique. Nobody but YOU will receive the same. 2) You will get a brain. It can be useful to use it. 3) You will get a heart. The best results you will achieve, if brain and heart is used in harmony. 4) You will get lessons. Nobody receives precisely the same lessons like you or can take them from you. 5) You can do, what you want to. Everything you do to others will come back to you. 6) A lesson is repeated, until it is understood. (You may incorporate it into your next incarnation) 7) This contract is the same for all. There are no privileges, though some may claim that. (Handwritten alterations have no validity.) 8) You will receive a mirror in order to learn. Many mirror images look like other bodies. They are there to show you something that is within you. 9) If your body is destroyed or stops to work, you receive a new one. (There may be a waiting-list.) 10) The incarnation-contract runs out, if all lessons have been satisfactory learned. 11) What is satisfactory, you decide! - Useful hints and tips: It is not the goal, to have lots of money when leaving your body. There is no bonus for fame or popularity. You must not get your bearings from the mistakes of others. Rules are there to be checked. Claims by other over the goal can be distractions. You can do nothing wrong. It just may take longer. Time is an illusion! You have access to all the answers over a particular connection within your heart. Everything within the classroom reacts to radiations of your heart. An attempt to damage the classroom leads to restrictions. Nobody can take the responsibility away from you. Violence never leads to a solution. It can be useful, to keep ponder on it, when situations recur. Drugs (legal and illegal) may falsify the perception of the lessons. Only because all do lessons in a certain way, it does not mean that it is right. There is rarely only one right solution. You can put up a proposition for forgiveness. There are no extra clauses for nobody. You are loved. (Even if you live in the Bronx or Somalia.) Everything else is deception. Lessons are special opportunities, to develop and not a bad intent. It can be precariously, to entrust others with your body. To hinder others in their development brings no advantage. You receive (preferably during the nightly hours) an opportunity, to leave your body. To play with your body is your privilege. Playing with others bodies needs their consent. Dont be a copycat! Whoever offers you a life insurance is a swindler. The mischievous termination of an incarnation leads too much wasteful paper work. Scientific certificates and sacred writings serve for confusion. It is not about being first. It is not about looking cool. Nobody does a better job in your situation, but YOU! You are not the only one that doubts the incarnation-contract. As you agreed to this contract, it is useless to complain about you being here. Posted by J.T.K.. Posted In : miscellaneous

August 1, 2011
INKARNATIONSVERTRAG Es ist hilfreich, ber jeden Satz einzeln nachzudenken. 1)Sie erhalten einen Krper. Dieser Krper ist neu und einmalig. Niemand sonst bekommt den gleichen. 2)Sie erhalten ein Gehirn. Es kann ntzlich sein, es zu benutzen. 3)Sie erhalten ein Herz. Die besten Resultate erzielen Sie, w enn Hirn und Herz ausgew ogen benutzt w erden.

4)Sie erhalten Lektionen. Niemand bekommt exakt die selben Lektionen w ie Sie oder kann sie Ihnen abnehmen. 5)Sie knnen tun, w as Sie w ollen. Alles, w as Sie anderen antun, kommt zu Ihnen zurck. 6)Eine Lektion w ird so lange w iederholt, bis sie begriffen w urde. (Auch inkarnationsbergreifend) 7)Dieser Vertrag ist fr alle gleich. Es gibt keine Privilegien, auch w enn einige das behaupten. (Handschriftliche nderungen haben keine Gltigkeit.) 8)Sie bekommen Spiegel, um zu lernen. Viele Spiegel sehen aus w ie andere Krper. Sie sind dazu da, Ihnen etw as zu zeigen, das in Ihnen ist. 9)Wenn Ihr Krper zerstrt w ird oder aufhrt, zu funktionieren, bekommen Sie einen neuen. (Es kann zu Wartezeiten kommen.) 10)Der Inkarnationsvertrag luft erst aus, w enn alle Lektionen zu einem befriedigenden Ergebnis gefhrt haben. 11)Was befriedigend ist, bestimmen Sie! Ntzliche Hinw eise und Tips:

Ziel ist es nicht, beim Verlassen eines Krpers mglichst viel Geld zu haben. Es gibt keinen Bonus fr Berhmtheit oder Beliebtheit. Sie mssen sich nicht an den Fehlern anderer orientieren. Regeln sind dazu da, berprft zu w erden. Behauptungen anderer ber das Ziel knnen Ablenkungen sein. Sie knnen nichts falsch machen. Es kann hchstens lnger dauern. Zeit ist eine Illusion! Sie haben Zugriff auf alle Antw orten ber eine spezielle Verbindung in Ihrem Herzen. Alles innerhalb des Schulungsraums reagiert auf Herzensausstrahlung. Versuche, den Schulungsraum zu beschdigen, fhren zu Einschrnkungen. Niemand kann Ihnen die Verantw ortung abnehmen. Gew alt fhrt niemals zu einer Lsung. Es kann ntzlich sein, darauf zu achten, w elche Situationen sich w iederholen. Drogen (legale und illegale) knnen die Wahrnehmung der Lektionen verflschen. Nur, w eil alle sich auf eine Weise verhalten, mu das nicht bedeuten, da es richtig ist. Es gibt selten nur eine richtige Lsung. Sie knnen einen Antrag auf Vergebung stellen. Es gibt keine Extraklauseln fr niemanden. Sie w erden geliebt. (Auch w enn Sie in der Bronx oder Somalia sind.) Alles andere ist Tuschung. Lektionen sind besondere Gelegenheiten, sich zu entw ickeln und keine bse Absicht. Es kann riskant sein, seinen Krper anderen anzuvertrauen. Andere in der Entw icklung zu behindern, bringt keinen Vorteil. Sie bekommen (vorzugsw eise w hrend der Nachtstunden) Gelegenheit, den Krper zu verlassen. Erinnerungen an Erfahrungen auerhalb des Krpers w erden nicht im Krper bzw . Gehirn gespeichert. Herumspielen an Ihrem Krper ist Ihr gutes Recht. An den Krpern anderer erfordert deren Einw illigung. Abgucken ist sinnlos! Wer Ihnen eine Lebensversicherung anbietet, ist ein Betrger. Das mutw illige Beenden einer Inkarnation fhrt zu viel unntzem Papierkram. Wissenschaftliche Gutachten und heilige Schriften dienen der Verw irrung. Es geht nicht darum, Erster zu sein. Es geht nicht darum, cool auszusehen. Niemand macht in Ihrer Situation eine bessere Figur als Sie. Sie sind nicht der Einzige, der am Sinn des Inkarnationsvertrages zw eifelt. Da Sie diesem Vertrag zugestimmt haben, ist es unntz, sich darber zu beschw eren, da Sie hier sind .

Posted by J.T.K..


August 1, 2011

The lyrics to the ENTERPRISE them e song : It's been a long road Getting from there to here It's been a long tim e But m y tim e is finally near And I w ill see m y dream com e alive at last I w ill touch the sky And they're not gonna hold m e dow n no m ore No, they're not gonna change m y m ind 'Cause I've got faith of the heart I'm going w here m y heart w ill take m e I've got faith to believe I can do anything I've got strength of the soul No one's gonna bend or break m e I can reach any star I've got faith I've got faith Faith of the heart

Posted by J.T.K.. Posted In : miscellaneous


August 1, 2011

Stardate 65079 - !!! ATTENTION : PHOTO TAGGING VIRUS !!! NO JOKE !!! Som e Versions of the Cropcircle Photos ( ALIEN WITH PIPE AND WHITE HORSE in Wiltshire), circulating on Facebook ( not on the rest of the internetsources ) contain a Trojan Virus !!! When You click on the Photo a Trojan or Spyw are w ill be installed on your Com puter !!!

You w ill see for the fraction of a second a m edium size popup-w indow w ith a little progressbar After that your https connection is sw itched to http, and you w ill not be able to go back to https It does not do the usual routines and get viral on your friends, its m ore the background - thing. But it opens to an unsecure connection and opens the firew all so your com puter can be rem ote controlled, and/or spyed out - You can see in the brow serbar if you are on https - Connetion If not, then first check your account settings and m ake sure you have m arked " alw ays https " if not, m ark it anyw ays !!! In case you have caught the Virus , dont panic !!! It is not clear yet how dangerous the Trojan is , it does not erase your m aindisc or eats your com puter. BUT its m alw are and You have to get rid of it 1. Step : delete the m ark, if You are m arked on m entioned Photo 2. Step : delete any version you have shared / saved or have in Your Album s or Your com puter 3. Step : close facebook, close Brow ser and reboot YourPC 4. Step : Use your standard Antivirus - program m and it w ill find a trojan " TR/PSW.agent89 " 5. Step : Delete the File 6. Step : then go back to Your Facebook account, open account settings - security - https You can check in Your Brow serbar, if You are back on a safe Connection. Done ! Relax ! Brow se safer !!! Inform ations on sim ilar w orking Trojans You can find on : w w w /new s/2011/04/11/hackers-exploit-facebook-tagging-to-reach-m ore-victim s/ This is really not a joke !!! Last Step : Help to keep the Internet safe for everybody - spread this m essage to Your friends !!! LIVE LONG AND PROSPER !!! - KIRK -

Posted by J.T.K.. Posted In : miscellaneous


August 1, 2011
Capt. Kirk: "I w ant to know w hat killed these DOLLARs. " Bones:" I haven't figured out w hat keeps them alive yet. " "Its trilling seems to have a tranquilizing effect on the human nervous system. Fortunately, of course ... I am immune ... to its effect." - Spock, as he strokes a DOLLAR

"Too much of anything, Lieutenant, even love, isn't necessarily a good thing." - Kirk to Uhura, on the love of a DOLLAR

Spock: "1,771,561. That's assuming one DOLLAR, multiplying w ith an average litter of 10, producing a new generation every 12 hours over a period of three days."

"Obviously DOLLARs are very perceptive creatures, Captain." - Kirk and Spock

"What's the matter, Spock?" "There's something disquieting about these DOLLARs." "Oh? Don't tell me you've got a feeling." "Don't be insulting, Doctor." - McCoy and Spock


"Do you know w hat you get if you feed a DOLLAR too much?" "A fat DOLLAR." "No. You get a bunch of hungry little DOLLARs." - McCoy and Kirk, on a DOLLAR's metabolism

Bones: [enters after Kirk gets covered w ith DOLLARs]" Jim, I've got it. All w e gotta do is stop feeding them. We stop feeding them, they stop breeding. " Capt. Kirk: "Now he tells me. "

THE FULL EPISODE : On leave, Uhura meets a dealer named Cyrano Jones, w ho is trying to sell rare galactic items, among them, furry little creatures Jones calls " DOLLAR ". While they bicker over the selling price, Chekov notices it had eaten a quadrotriticale sample left on the bar. In hopes of more sales, Jones gives the "DOLLAR" to Uhura. Back on board, Uhura is surprised that the DOLLAR she received has just given birth to a litter. The sounds theDOLLARs make seem to have a soothing effect on Humans and Vulcans. Dr. McCoy takes one of the offspring to study it. Going into sickbay for headache pills, Kirk notices that McCoy's DOLLAR has also produced a litter. McCoy's initial findings indicate that almost 50% of their metabolism is geared to reproduction. If a DOLLAR eats too much, a number of hungry little DOLLARs (a mean average of ten per litter) soon follow . Aboard K7, Jones tries to sell more DOLLARs. The Enterprise crew aren't interested, and the DOLLARs react very loudly w hen presented to the Klingons, w ho refuse Jones' offers vehemently. Not even the barkeep is interested in moreDOLLARsthe one he acquired earlier is already multiplying. In Sickbay, Spock notes (in contrast to the more-sentimental McCoy) that the DOLLARs seem to do nothing productive: merely consuming food and reproducing at ridiculous rates. He calls McCoy to the bridge and w alks around, noticing the proliferation of the creatures on the bridge. Kirk asks how so many DOLLARs got on board. McCoy points out thatDOLLARs are "born pregnant" and pretty much reproduce at w ill. The DOLLARs need to be controlled soon or they'll be overw helmed. Spock asks Jones if the latter realized w hat w ould happen once he took DOLLARs from their home planet and all the predators that controlled their population. Jones points out that he w anted a harmless creature that bred like mad. Since they pose no direct harm to humanoids, he couldn't be held liable for trading dangerous cargo, and at six credits each, they're making him money. Back on board, Kirk finds the DOLLAR problem w orsening. He can't even enjoy a chicken sandw ich and coffeetheDOLLARs have gotten into the food synthesizers. Then Scotty w alks in, reporting the DOLLARs have been circulating through the station's ventilation ducts, ending up in all of the sensitive equipment aboard the ship Spock points out that there are ducts of that type aboard K7 w hich amongst other things lead to the grain storage areas. Rushing to the station, Kirk manages to gain access to one of the storage compartments, but w hen he opens the overhead door, an avalanche of DOLLARs bury him. Kirk finally manages to climb out from the pile of DOLLARs, and Spock discovers that they are gorged on the grain. In the face of Baris' threats to convene a board of inquiry against Kirk, Spock and McCoy notice many of the DOLLARs in the pile are either dead or dying. McCoy begins an analysis of the DOLLARs and the grain, w hile Kirk questions Jones.

Darvin, how ever, sets off the same negative reaction in the DOLLARs as the Klingons, bringing McCoy w ith his tricorder. Darvin is revealed to be a Klingon w ho poisoned the grain w ith a virus that prevents anyone eating it from absorbing the nutrients, w hich is how the DOLLARs died. "They starved to death. In a storage compartment full of grain, they starved to death!" Kirk summarizes. Kirk and Spock then bring Jones to the station's bar, and give him a choice: tw enty years in a rehabilitation colony for transporting a species proved harmful to human life, or pick up every DOLLAR on the station (w hich Spock calculates w ould take 17.9 years). Jones accepts the latter. Back aboard the Enterprise, Kirk is happy to find the ship sw ept clean of DOLLARs, and asks Spock, McCoy and Scotty how they did it. All questions are deflected back and forth, and eventually lands to Scotty, to his great discomfort. Annoyed, Kirk demands to know w here the DOLLARs are, Scotty replies that before the Klingons w ent into w arp, he beamed all of them into their engine room, "w here they'll be no DOLLAR at all."

Posted by JIM TIBERIUS K.. Posted In : FUNNY

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