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IES Medina Azahara in Crdoba began to burn the last morning after few students of Bachillerato made an experiment in the chemistry laboratory.

The morning of the 11th of May seemed like another morning, but at twelve oclock, when all the students were in class, the fire alarm started to ring. At first, we all thought that it was a fire practice explained Violeta Navarro to the reporters. But when they began to see smoke around all the windows, they realized that it was a real fire. All the students were ordered by their teachers to leave what they were doing and go out to the match point, in the schoolyard. The firefighters appeared soon and they came in the chemistry laboratory, where fortunately there wasnt anybody.

As we knew after, the fire became because a lighter that was near a wood table was not putted out, so the table began to burn. Apparently, only few tables and some laboratory instruments were damaged and any people have been hurt. At the end, it was only a fright, but from now on it is sure that the students will be much more careful.

Violeta Navarro. 1 Bach B

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