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Last date for showing assignment of statistics part in journal: 31-01-11

BCA 209 : Practical Based on BCA- 205 OR Sample Practical Examples 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Write a program to accept a linear programming problem from the user and display it in standard form. Write a program to accept a LPP from user and display it in matrix form. Write a program to accept a LPP from a user and display the initial simplex table and state whether optimal solution is obtained or not. Write a program to accept a initial simplex table for an LPP from user and obtain its optimal solution. Write a program to accept a transportation problem from the user and check whether it is balanced or unbalanced. If unbalanced make it balanced and solve using NWCM. Write a program to accept a primal problem from the user and convert it to its dual. Write a program to accept a transportation problem from the user and check whether it is balanced or unbalanced. If unbalanced make it balanced and solve using LCM. Write a program to accept a transportation problem from the user and check whether it is balanced or unbalanced. If unbalanced make it balanced and solve using VAM. Write a program to accept a TP from a user and obtain its initial solution / accept a TPs initial solution and determine whether the solution is optimal or not. Write a program to accept an assignment problem from the user and solve it using Hungarian method. Write a program to accept an AP and if it is unbalanced convert it to a balanced problem. Write a program to accept a list of activities, their preceding activities and duration from user and find the critical path by implementing forward & backward pass. STATISTICS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Write a program to find Mean of given data. Write a program to find Median of given data. Write a program to accept lowest value and highest value of a distribution, interval for the class. Construct the classes based on this. Write a program to find out Mean, Median and Mode for the given frequency distribution. (With classes) Write a program to find out Standard Deviation. Write a program to find Percentiles, Deciles and Quartiles from the given data. Write a program to find out coefficient of co-relation using Karl pearsons method.

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