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tr mas cara 2 pakai winSCp ------- yang suka tampilan grafis kalau melalui winscp sangat mudah tinggal

menuju ke /etc/logrotate.d/ kemudian klik kanan new file buat nama squid kemudian masukkan script sesuai di bawah ini untuk yang pakai squid /var/log/squid/access.log { weekly rotate 5 copytruncate compress notifempty missingok } /var/log/squid/cache.log { weekly rotate 5 copytruncate compress notifempty missingok } /var/log/squid/store.log { weekly rotate 5 copytruncate compress notifempty missingok # This script asks # Restarting squid # doing it just to /usr/sbin/squid -k endscript } trussss squid to rotate its logs on its own. is a long process and it is not worth rotate logs rotate

untuk yang pakai Lusca_head /cache1/access.log { weekly rotate 5 copytruncate compress notifempty missingok } /cache1/cache.log { weekly rotate 5 copytruncate compress

notifempty missingok } /cache/store.log { weekly rotate 5 copytruncate compress notifempty missingok # This script asks squid to rotate its logs on its own. # Restarting squid is a long process and it is not worth # doing it just to rotate logs postrotate /usr/local/squid/sbin/squid -k rotate endscript }

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