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WHIPPLE PROCEDURE COMPLICATIONS Whipple procedure is a complex operation and its results are affected by multiple factors such

as the surgeons level of expertise. In the hands of a highly trained and experienced surgeon, the rate of developing Whipple procedure complications is minimal. COMPLICATION NO.1 PANCREATIC FISTULA One of the complications is the development of pancreatic fistula. After the tumor is removed from the pancreas, the cut end has to be sutured back to the duodenum to create passageway for the pancreatic juices and enzymes into the digestive tract. In some cases, the created passageway does not heal very well, it becomes faulty, and pancreatic juices leak. Although this complication can occur in about 4% of Whipple procedures, leakage eventually heals on its own. Re-operation is usually unnecessary and a leakage catheter can be sufficient to drain the pancreatic juices. COMPLICATION NO.2 PANCREATITIS Another possible complication is inflammation of the pancreas. The incision or the remaining parts of the pancreas may be infected and inflamed. Although not to be taken lightly, this can be easily managed with anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic drugs and antibiotics.

WHIPPLE PROCEDURE COMPLICATION NO.3 DELAYED GASTRIC EMPTYING Another Whipple procedure complication is delayed gastric emptying due to paralysis of the stomach. Standard surgery procedure is to give patients intravenous fluids and withhold oral feeding for the first five to six post-surgical days patients. This is done to give the bowels sufficient enough time to heal and recover to perform its function. After the rest period, patients are started on a clear liquid diet and eventually allowed to progress to a regular diet. By this time, the stomach is expected to contract and move food down to the intestines. In around 11% to 29% of Whipple procedure patients, .. For more information, please visit:

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