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Nephrolithiasis refer to stones (calculi) in the kidney but they can migrate to the lower urinary system.

The stones maybe composed of calcium salts, uric acid, oxalate, cystine, xanthine, or struvite. Symptoms may vary from hematuria or ol iguria to renal colic. Hematuria results from the damage done by the stone in t he urinary tract. Oliguria may result when the stone obstructs the flow of urine . Renal colic results from spasms as calculi are passed, causing flank pain that radiates to the abdomen and groin. They are typically asymptomatic until they p ass into the lower urinary tract. Stones are usually managed by a urologist. Pri mary bladder calculi are rare and usually develop from a history of urinary stas is from obstruction or chronic infection.

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