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Specification for developing insurance application: Purpose: The creative commercials insurance will be converting the existing AS-IS

system which is collecting the payments at their branches will collect payments of vehicle insurance online. Requirement 1: Determine whether the customer is new customer or a existing customer. If the customer is existing then display the register form with account number. Ask the user to pay online option and this option is only available for customers who have a account number and whose account status is active. If they select pay online option then display register form as shown in requirement 2.

Req 1.1: the account number can not be empty Req 1.2: the account number should be only consisting of numbers

Req 1.3: check acct. status should not be enabled until the user enters the account number Req 1.4: the account number at least 5 size if the account number is not of size of 5 the check account status button should not be enabled

Requirement 2:

req 2.1 : username should not be left empty req 2.2 : username should not be having spaces in between letters req 1.3: username should not start with a number req 1.4 : username should be checked whether it is available or not req 1.5: if the username is not available then give the suggestions to the users like if the user name like mdrafi is not available the it has to be checked against the

database whether username can not be entered again or not and give 5 suggestions like mdrafi123 or mdrafi2332 or mdrafi123 or mdrafi22323. req 1.6 : password should not be left empty. req 1.7 : password should have one Uppercase and one numeric and one letter should be special character in it. req 1.8 : password and verify password should have the same text and when the password and verify password does not match show error when user clicks submit button. req 1.9 : server should not accept the wrong captcha req 1.10: the register form should be accessed by going to req 1.11 : username should be of 30 chars long (maximum) req 1.12: username should be 6 chars long (minimum) req 1.13: the username and email can not be same reject if they are the same and ask the user enter a different username and email req 1.14: username should be unique one customer and username if duplicate reject it right away req 1.15:

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