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What Bond movie did Pierce's late wife Cassandra play a role in?

'Goldeneye' 'A View to Kill' 'Goldfinger' `````````'For Your Eyes Only' What is one of his opinions about what should be in Bond movies? ```````Sex is ok, smoking is not Too much violence More sex ! Bond should get it on with Moneypenny Who formulated the geocentric theory? Copernicus Newton Galileo `````````Ptolemy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Question 3: Who formulated the heliocentric theory? Kepler Ptolemy ````````Copernicus Galileo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Question 4: What is the axial tilt of the Earth? 24.5 degrees 17.5 degrees 12.7 degrees `````````23.5 degrees When the Earth is directly between the Sun and the Moon it is called a _________ eclipse. Solar ``````Lunar Transit Inferior conjunction The highest mountain on the Earth is ________________. K2 ```````Everest McKinley Mauna Kea -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Question 19:

What is the second highest mountain on the Earth? Mauna Kea McKinley ```````K2 Everest -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Question 20: The deepest depression on the Earth is the _______________. Eurasia basin Puerto Rico trench `````````````Marianas trench Java trench Which of these cities has NOT hosted the Olympic Games? `````````Toronto Cortina Helsinki Sapporo At the 1972 Summer Games in Munich, a violent terrorist action that claimed the lives of 11 athletes and one policeman totally overshadowed what took place in t he arenas. What was the name of the terrorist group responsible for the action? Rote Arm Fraktion (Baader-Meinhof group) ````````````Black September PFLP Force 17 How many gold medals did Jesse Owens win at the 1936 Berlin Olympics? `````````4 6 5 2

What country hosted the 2002 Winter Olympics? `````````The United States Norway Germany Japan

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