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Predisposing Factors: Modifiable: a. Eating fatty foods b. Lack of exercise Non-modifiable:

Decrease Blood Volume

Precipitating Factor: Atherosclerosis aorta

Juxtaglomerular cells of the kidney produces renin Angiotensin 1 is formed

Renin combines with angiotensinogen in the blood

Angiotensin 1 passes through the lungs where AngiotensinConverting Enzyme is present

Angiotensin 2 is formed

Adrenal cortex produces aldosterone

Vasoconstriction of the arterioles

Increased sodium reabsorption by the kidney

Avoid fatty and salty foods. Rest. Exercise. Avoid strenuous activities.

Increase Blood Volume and increase blood pressure

Amlodipine 5 mg/tab 1 tab once a day


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