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A unit in the game can range anywhere from a hundred to a hundred thousand men depending on the race and

force, but as the board game focuses on the center of the battle the battles will usually be around 50 to 100 combatants represented by minifigures. The warhammer 40000 wargame system has a points system to arbitrarily determine forces of approximately equal power. In this campaign a unit will consist of 4000 points, although it will only field up to 2000 points on the field at any one time. These units will be persistent, so a squad which is wiped out or a vehicle which is destroyed will remain such. Similarly the units who survived a battle will gain veterancy status and a bonus to its abilities as per the rulebook. Turns represent a month of time, and a unit may travel up to 2000 miles in such a time. If two units of differing sides come within 500 miles of each other they battle. Normally each side can bring 2000 points to a battle. If one side cannot bring an HQ unit to a battlefield due to previous losses, it has a 500 point penalty. If more than one unit is in the same battle, the player may choose from both units and has a 500 point bonus. These can stack, so if 2 units are attacking 1 but cannot bring a commander to the field, both forces put 2000 points of troops into the battle. The loser's unit retreats away from the victorious unit a minimum of 500 miles to a maximum of 1000. If a unit cannot retreat, it is entirely cut down. A unit may not mix factions/races, but a player may have several units of differing factions. For example an imperial player may have a Space marine unit, an Imperial guard unit or an Inquisitorial unit. If 2 of these units are in the same battle, they may be mixed together. A player may have up to 3 factions/races at their command, and must have a good fluff reason for doing so. An imperial guard section may represent traitors who have fallen to chaos and ally with daemons, but a race like the Tyranid has few friends. The amount of units fielded on the planet is limited by the amount of manufactorums a player owns. Each player gets 3 initial units at their insertion point/capital and a further one for every manufactorum they have. If a player loses a manufactorum at the end of their turn they must demobilize one of their units. This unit need not be destroyed. If the situation allows, later on the player may bring the unit back, with all the veterans intact and losses repaired. If a player has fewer units than manufactorums, an additional unit may be procured. This unit will experience a -1 penalty to Leadership for its first battle. Docks allow for units to go to the seas. Units will not fight in the ocean, but travel up to 4000 miles per turn there. A unit in the ocean may land anywhere, but if it lands on an enemy unit the defender will gain a 500 point bonus to represent the difficulty of storming the beaches. Fleets are battling in orbit over the planet the entire time, but the player which owns the PD Cannon has the edge in which fleets get to approach the planet. This player can execute orbital bombardments on the planet. This can be a unit pinned, a manufactorum shut down or a battlefield strike according to the apocalypse rules. A pinned unit cannot move for the turn. A shut down manufactorum might mean that the player owning it will need to temporarily downsize his forces. The unit and the manufactorum will both be a full operating capacity next turn. To use the bonuses of the cannon, a player must own it uncontested for at least one turn preceding its use.

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