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What I especially like about this brief, 7-minute interview, is that when I expl ain what Chomsky has

said about the assassination of JFK and about 9/11, the vid eo shifts to showing Chomsky making exactly the remarks that I have attributed t o him. For those who have any doubts about his role as a gate-keeper, notice th at Chomsky dismisses any conspiracy in the assassination on the grounds that, ev en if there had been one, it was of no account, because it did not involved an m ajor policy questions, as though JFK s directive to pull our advisors out of Vietn am, steps he was taking to reform or abolish the FED, his decisions not to invad e Cuba and to sign an above-ground test ban treaty with the Soviet Union, his re marks about shattering the CIA into a thousand pieces , and the Attorney General s ag gressive crack-down on organized crime the first time in our history were not major policy issues!

ou re right Chris He just wouldn t play the game He actually thought he was President..n ot just an employee..didn t want another land war in asia ( CIA says uh-oh we re plannin g on running drugs out of SE asia ) forced the American Zionist congress to regist er as agents of a foreign govt ( how dare he?)..didn t allow the CIA to make forei gn policy with regards to Cuba ( they expected him to OK air support at the Bay of Pigs then maybe the 82nd Airborne, 2nd Marine Division..etc ) .Maybe he would have dissolved the Fed and then the US would no longer borrow imaginary money w/inter est from scum.

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