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March 2nd, 2011

Name: Lara Tavares Making Connections Lab Situation: Does exercise change the pulse rate and causes muscle fatigue?

Block: #1

Prediction: If practicing exercises then the pulse rate will change and cause muscle
fatigue because the heart has to work harder to give enough oxygen to the muscles.

Investigation: The dependent variable is the pulse rate and the muscle fatigue
The independent variable is the exercise Variables to keep constant: (also know as control variables) - same kind of clothespin; - used the same timer; How many test subjects: 2 # of students who participated: 20 How many trials: 1 (in theory would be more because we can get a better results trying many different times) Experimental Conditions: - Measured the pulse rate without any exercise for 20 seconds; - Repeat for more 2 times; - Make an average of the results; - Go up and down stairs as an exercise, for 1 minute; - Measure the pulse rate for 20 seconds; Squeeze the clothespin for 1 minute without any exercise; Go up and down stairs as an exercise, for 1 minute; Squeeze the clothespin for 1 minute;

Safety Precautions: make sure that anyone is sick

Collect Data: - Exercise

174 (up) 150 (up) 173 (up) 174 (down) 176 (up) 165 (up) 193 (up) 160 (up) 93* (sick)

- Non- Exercise
143 (up) 132 (down) 144 (up) 157 (up) 190 (up) 130 (up) 138 (up) 134 (up)

My conclusion is that making exercises increases the pulse rate because our heart has to work harder and faster to supply oxygen for our organs. And the muscle fatigue can be cased by exercises, but in our case it wasnt enough time or not enough trials. Make more than 1 trial, and more time of exercises would improve the results.

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