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Families whose constitution arises through the adoption

The family is an institution that has been built and modified over the history; therefore, the biological reasons alone no longer suffice to explain its complexity and now include psychosocial aspects that guarantee the welfare physical and emotional development of its component members. I agree that the family is a group of people together emotionally and / or blood or legal ties who have lived together long enough to have developed patterns of interaction and stories that justify and explain such patterns. In their interactions modeled with the other family members are built together. (Minuchin, WaiYung, Simon, 1998). The authors of family issues have proposed the concept of referring families to a reality that suggests that no single style or type of family. If we stay with the idea that there is only one kind of family we'd get into a straitjacket unwieldy when the realities are different. That does not mean that the experiences of love, emotional attachment and functions of its members are different. When speaking of families are being allowed openness to diversity. According to the above, you can refer to the composition of the family system by both the number of members, by type of structure, defining roles or constitutive aspects of it. Thus, we talk about nuclear families, extended, single-parent, reconstituted, traditional, transitional, institutional, adoptive, etc. The adoptive family as classification is based through a parent-child bond that is not biological but a sense of belonging and identity is constructed through psychosocial and legal fields. Therefore, the Family Code of Costa Rica (1995) in Article 100 defines adoption as "a legal institution of family integration and protection, public order and social interest. It is a legal and psychosocial process by which the adopted child becomes part of the adoptive family, for all purposes. " On the other hand, often arises as to how the interest of forming a family with children through adoption, to paraphrase Robles (in Eguiluz, 2003) suggests that there are two forms. The first is the traditional one, in which a person fails the conception of a child and, therefore, is an invaluable alternative through the path of adoption, and the preferential, where adoption is a decision unrelated to fertility. As expected the adoption of a child (a), a process of adaptation in family dynamics, which includes both parent and child. This, in turn, leads to a normal or expected evolutionary process of adoption, which involves the passage through several stages. Robles (in
: MS.c Ana Cristina Vargas Agero, Derechos reservados de Betava SA

Eguiluz, 2003) indicates some challenges that families who have adopted must be faced, such as "the reconfiguration of the family once the child gets adopted and in particular, the development of a sense of belonging, one would be how communicate to the child adoptive status, and finally, the perception of itself as a family have similar or different from other families "(p.29). Today it is increasingly adopting a more viable option for those seeking the formation of a family with child. Since people begin to think about the possibility of adoption, the desire for parenthood is imposed and the presence of the child (a) feels necessary, can be generated in the adoptive fears and begin the concerns regarding whether the adoption is feasible in their cases. However, all these ideas are blurring as they delve and appropriate the process. For Mendoza (1999) parenting for many people is a difficult goal to achieve, which takes time to achieve, plus it takes effort, money, emotional strain and patience. Some people who have adopted refer to the process "as a delivery" alluding to the difficulties, the multiplicity of actors, the need for centralized and sufficient information, etc ... For others preparing to begin the process related readings, making conversations or interviews with people who have adopted or been adopted and end up seeking information from experts stating that the process is not scary or difficult to reach. This leaves a legacy to consider that, to pursue the path, it is very important preparation is performed as well as the tools are available or made in the route collection.
MS.C Ana Cristina Vargas Agero

Referencias bibliogrficas
Cdigo de Familia. (1995). Eguiluz, L. (2003). Dinmica de la familia: Un enfoque psicolgico sistmico. Mxico: Editorial Pax Mxico. Mendoza, N. (1999). Reflexiones sobre la adopcin. Mxico: McGraw Hill. Minuchin, S., Wai-Yung. & Simon, G. (1998). El arte de la terapia familiar. Barcelona: Ediciones Paids Ibrica S.A.

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: MS.c Ana Cristina Vargas Agero, Derechos reservados de Betava SA

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