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Frankenstein is a tale of horror , yet also is called a romance . I can see why they call it both a horror, and romance. Frankenstein in his early years being in love with the gentle Elizabeth. Their union was destined to happen at some point in their lives, and was wanted by both families. Frankenstein had a love for knowledge as well as his precious Elizabeth. To think that using his love for knowledge would eventually cause both loves to be lost. Frankenstein`s love for knowledge caught the eyes of many scientists and philosophers . Yet his love for knowledge brought him to the desire of creating life . He spent months researching , collecting human remains from disastrous places. Finally on a rainy November night his work was complete. The fruit of his labor stood in front of him hideous and deformed. Being afraid of his own creation he ran out of the building never wanting to see the creature again. After being abandoned by his creator he wandered in the forest. When a human would lay eyes on him he was beaten and tortured. After spending months starved and tired he wanted revenge on the one who created him. He searched for Frankenstein. He finally came to Geneva which according to the letters he took from Frankenstein`s lab was the home of his creator. He eventually found the

younger brother of his creator ,and being full of rage killed the child and left his monstrous finger prints on the child`s neck. Many deaths followed this some I will mention now and some farther in this report. 6 deaths caused one way or another by this monster. I have already mention the death of Frankenstein`s brother. Others that are in this category are Clervel good friend of Frankenstein , Elizabeth`s good friend Justine, and others which I have promised to mention later. After these deaths Frankenstein became filled with rage and horror. He refused to let this beast get away with the death of others and he went after it. Eventually finding the creation of his own hands the beast asked to be able to tell his story of torture. After revealing his tale he looked at his creator and begged for him to take pity on him and create him a wife whom is as ugly as him. He promised to leave and never return. Frankenstein worried for the life of his family agreed to this task and went to work. The night was cold and Frankenstein was working on his new creation. While getting ready to rest he realized what he was doing could just increase his enemies power and strength. As he looked up he saw out the window the creature who he gave life waiting for the completion of his work. As Frankenstein looked up at him he became angry and ripped to shreds the creature he was working on and walked out of the room. The monster was enraged and sought revenge then killing Clervel leaving the finger prints on his neck as well.

Frankenstein headed home and ten days after his arrival married Elizabeth whom he loved. He planned on telling her his whole tale of horror the next day. That night disaster struck as Elizabeth was alone in her room. She screamed for the creature filled with anger took out on her all his revenge. Frankenstein saw her lying dead on the bed. Finger prints on her neck left the criminals identity. He sought renvenge on him who killed his future happiness. Frankenstein`s father after hearing of the death of Elizabeth went into depression and died a few weeks later in the arms of his last son.

Frankenstein searched months for the dreadful creature. Eventually needing to travel across a frozen solid sea was separated from his enemy for good. He was unable to complete the task which he longed for and eventually was picked up by a passing boat. He became close to the captain. The longer he was on the boat his health decreased until he was on the verge of death. He called on the captain and asked him to fulfill the task which he had sat out to do and not allow the creature to live if he is seen. With Frankenstein`s last breath the smile was lost on his face and his eyes closed forever. That night as the captain was writing he heard something in the room where Frankenstein was. As he walked in he beheld the creature he was told about hovering over the corpse. The monster told him how he regretted everything he brought on his creator and how he looked forward to death unable to harm another. The captain listened with compassion and watched as the monster exited through the window never to be seen again!

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