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TEN YANMALI MOTOR ten yanmal motorlar, yaktn motor iinde yanma odas ad verilen snrl bir alan

iinde yaklmas ile oluan basncn, piston denen paray hareket ettirmesi ile oluan makinedir. Bu motorlara iten yanmal motor adnn verilmesinin sebebi ,yanma olaynn motor ierisinde gereklemesindendir. Dtan yanmal motorlar da ise darda yanma gerekletiinden bunlara dtan yanmal motorlar denilmitir. rnein: Buhar kazanl motorlar. ten yanmal motorlarda yanma odasnn motorun iine tanmasyla birlikte olduka kompakt motorlar retilebilmitir ve otomobillerin olumas salanmtr. Yaktlarn yanmas ile oluan s enerjisini mekanik enerjiye eviren makinelere motor denir. alma Prensibi Yakt, karbratr veya Yakt enjeksiyonu sistemiyle belli bir oranda hava ile kartrlarak yanma odas denilen silindirin iine gnderilir. Karm piston tarafndan sktrlarak buji yardmyla atelenir. Dizel motorlarda ateleme buji yerine yksek bas altnda sktrmayla yaplr. Karm CO2 ve CO'e dnr. Bu reaksiyon hacim ve s yaratr. Bu da pistonlarn salnm hareketi Krank mili yardmyla mekanik enerjiye dntrlerek i yaplm olur. Yakt olarak nceleri gazya kullanlm gnmzde ise benzin, mazot ve LPG (Svlatrlm Petrol Gaz) olduka yaygndr.Gnumuz teknolojisinde Hybrit li motorlar uretilmeye balanmitir.Hybrit motor iki farkl motoru bulunan otomobil.Biri yanmal ve digeri elektirikli olan motor tipine verilen isimdir. Enerji verimi Enerji verimi,tketilen yaktn kimyasal enerjisinin retilen mekanik enerjiye oran olarak tanmlanr ise,Modern turboarjl motorlarn yaklak verimi %20 dir. ten yanma termodinamik olaynn teorik maksimum verimi %35 olduu gz nne alnrsa ,geri kalan %15 lik enerji kayb yaktn sktrlmasnda,pistonlarn srtnmesinde ,ve dier ilemlerine gerekletirilmesine harcanr. Internal combustion engine The internal combustion engine is an engine in which the combustion of a fuel (normally a fossil fuel) occurs with an oxidizer (usually air) in a combustion chamber. In an internal combustion engine, the expansion of the high-temperature and high -pressure gases produced by combustion apply direct force to some component of the engine. This force is applied typically to pistons, turbine blades, or a nozzle. This force moves the component over a distance, transforming chemical energy into useful mechanical energy.[1][2][3][4] The term internal combustion engine usually refers to an engine in which combustion is intermittent, such as the more familiar four-stroke and two-stroke piston engines, along with variants, such as the six-stroke piston engine and the Wankel rotary engine. A second class of internal combustion engines use continuous combustion: gas turbines, jet engines and most rocket engines, each of which are internal combustion engines on the same principle as previously described. The internal combustion engine (or ICE) is quite different from external combustion engines, such as steam or Stirling engines, in which the energy is delivered to a working fluid not consisting of, mixed with, or contaminated by combustion products. Working fluids can be air, hot water, pressurized water or even liquid sodium, heated in some kind of boiler. A large number of different designs for ICEs have been developed and built, with a variety of different strengths and weaknesses. Powered by an energy-dense fuel (which is very frequently gasoline, a liquid derived from fossil fuels). While there have been and still are many stationary applications, the real strength of internal combustion engines is in mobile applications and they dominate as a power supply for cars, aircraft, and boats. Applications Internal combustion engines are most commonly used for mobile propulsion in vehicles and portable machinery. In mobile equipment, internal combustion is advantageous since it can provide high power-to-weight ratios together with excellent fuel energy density. Generally using fossil fuel (mainly petroleum), these engines have appeared in transport in almost all vehicles (automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, boats, and in a wide variety of aircraft and locomotives). Where very high power-to-weight ratios are required, internal combustion engines appear in the form of gas turbines. These applications include jet aircraft, helicopters, large ships and electric generators.

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