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PHYSICIAN HEAL THYSELF The reaction of the Indian Medical Association (IMA) demanding an apology from Aamir Khan for " defaming the medical profession " in one of the well-researched episodes of Satyanev Jayathe (SJ) is amusing. Most of the details shown in the SJ episode are already in the public domain. For instance, a sting operation by a popular Malayalam channel exposed the nexus between a leading doctor and a scan center. Whatever be the nature of complaint of the patient, a series of tests and scans were the package prescribed by the specialists with commission regularly flowing to his pocket.In 2011 an e-mail falsely claiming to have been written by a renowned professor of medicine made sensational news in the internet .It was titled "How Indian Doctors Loot Patients? " .Though the professor vehemently denied any association with the e-mail, the shocking contents found favour with the readers including some medical practitioners.

Many movies have been depicting the unethical practices of some doctors and one such movie in Tamil "RAMANA" is an all-time box office hit. The unsavoury controversies in the recent past involving the Indian Medical Council, the standard setting body of medical education, are too unpleasant to be ignored. The noble medical profession has many distinguished and committed doctors dedicated to service. At the same time, there are many doctors to whom medicine is a lucrative business. As one doctor observes: "Those who have spent nearly 75 lakh rupees towards capitation and other fees for a medical degree cannot be expected to serve society without any gain. Be kind to them.".

The celebrated social scientist Ivan Illich wrote most vehemently against the medical professionals in his highly acclaimed book " Limits to Medicine". The famous Indian physician R.H. Dastur commented ; Doctors needlessly endanger the lives of their patients by excessive and wrongful use of drugs. More and more people are falling prey to iatrogenesis (doctor- inflicted illness)". Hippocrates suggested that "for the sick the least is the best". But the motto of the present-day doctors is " the most is the best", according to Professor of Pharmacology P.C.Dandiya and others.

The Indian Medical Association should do an objective introspection , and initiate measures to punish the guilty to stem the erosion in the credibility of a great and life-saving profession. Going after the whistle blowers is an exercise in futility. The IMA should set an exemplary model for all professionals.

Posted by Dr T K Nair at 8:58 AM No comments:

Angels, No More
Anna Hazares Jantar Mantar and Ramlila ground satyagrah protests for a strong Lokpal resembled the struggle for Indian Independence. The nation was recharged with a new fervour and the peoples response was unprecedented in recent years after the JP movement in 1975 Bright young men and women were in the forefront of the Anna Hazare initiative. Many sacrificed their jobs to work full-time for a great cause of creating a corruption-free India. The corridors of power were shaken and the Indian Parliament passed a Sense of the House Resolution to enable Anna Hazare to give up his fast. That was the finest moment of the Anna Hazare movement. But the euphoria was short-lived Anna Hazares rustic prescriptions for

various issues, and the involvement of Team Anna in electoral politics dampened the spirit of a large number of supporters of the anti-corruption crusade.

The tirade against MPs, Union ministers and even the Prime Minister by members of Team Anna give the impression that they are partisan and their intent is not apolitical. Most of the Political parties are vocal in their support for a strong Lokpal. But their interpretation of strong is highly elastic. It is doubtful whether India will ever have an effective anti-graft law and a nationally acceptable Lokpal institution with an independent investigation mechanism.

Black money , Mind-boggling scams and scandals, paralysis in decision-making, absence of viable policy initiatives, insensitivity to peoples needs, and decline in economic growth are eroding the confidence of the people. Even the highest political authorities appear weak and incapable of inspiring the nation. The Planning Commission practices the opposite of what is preaches. When millions have no toilets, spending 35 lakh rupees for two toilets is a criminal splurge from the Public exchequer . The austerity measures in government spending prescribed by the Finance Ministry are mere tokenism. Indian judiciary has been the only beacon of hope and justice. But the allegations of corruption against some judges and the recent cash for bail scam involving a CBI judge are shaking the nations confidence. There is a sense of hopelessness among the people.

There are no more angels in our midst.

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